Contact Person: Michael Kremer
Street: Saharov 22
Postcode: 58484
City: Rishon le zion
Country: israel
Phone: 972 544501574
Website: ITdata

Contact Person: ITech Solutions Ltd
Street: P.O. Box 72156
Postcode: 00200
City: Woodvale Grove
Country: kenya
Phone: 2.5420.4441.744/4.449.729

We offer a comprehensive range of services covering networking, hardware, and software, and specialise in network infrastructure solutions that enable our clients to leverage the power of IT and expand their businesses

Platinum partner since February, 2003

Contact Person: Rodrigo Mora
Street: 100 mts este y 50 mts sur parqueo del Cine Magally
Postcode: N/A
City: Costa Rica
Country: barrio-la-california
Phone: 506.2221.0839
Website: ITO, S.A.
El Outsourcing de IT provee una estrategia alternativa que permite a su empresa enfrentarse con las complejidades, acceso y uso de las tecnologías de punta y personal capacitado a un costo que se reparte entre varias empresas. Information Technologies Outsourcing, brinda los servicios de Outsourcing real de Administradores de red, técnicos, programadores, entre otros, planteando el esquema de trabajo de una forma eficiente y flexible para que su compañía cuente con varios profesionales en el campo, con una solo proveedor de servicios. Nuestros especialistas se harán cargo de las tareas que requieran menos o más tiempo, de manera que se distribuirá mejor incrementando su eficiencia, designando por prioridad las tareas de soporte de estaciones de trabajo, servidores de manera que se enfoque en el servicio al usuario para que de esta forma se logre mantener una red estabilizada y con la menor cantidad de problemas. OUTSOURCING DE IT, solución definitiva para obtener un rendimiento superior
Contact Person: Jorge Hernandez
Postcode: 92154
City: San Diego
Country: United States
Phone: 6194881700
Contact Person: Marchand Benjamin
Street: 3 Boulevard des bouvets
Postcode: 92000
City: Nanterre
Country: france
Phone: 33 1 55 17 47 70
Website: ITS Group

Contact Person: Michael Pap
Street: Hämmerlegasse 31
Postcode: A-1100
City: Wien
Country: austria
Phone: 431.6898.1740
Website: itXworks

Das itXworks Team besitzt ihr Know-How in allen Bereichen der Open-Source-Software. Linux wird in einer fuer Serverloesungen optimierten Form eingesetzt. Die Kernkompetenz der itXworks reicht von der Planung bis zur Wartung von Server- und Secure Remote Access Loesungen. itXworks bietet fertige Einzel- oder Server-Loesungen fuer alle unter Linux lauffaehigen Anwendungen an, z.B. Datenbank-Server, Firewall, Web-Server, File-Server, Radius-Servern.

Platinum partner since July, 2005

Contact Person: Michael Anderson
Street: 4747 Research Forest Dr. Ste.282
Postcode: 77381
City: Spring
Country: usa
Phone: 832.515.3868
Website: J3K Solutions
Contact Person: Naufi Lesmana
Street: Jl. Dr. Soepomo No. 231 Crown Palace Blok C2
Postcode: -
City: Jakarta Selatan
Country: indonesia
Phone: +62 21 83787381
Website: Jabetto
PT. Jabetto berfokus pada solusi-solusi open source dan software-software open source (FOSS). Service-service kami memberikan kejelasan dari tantangan IT yang kompleks. Kami berpengalaman dalam hal assessment, design, implementasi dan optimalisasi managemen IT infrastruktur, kami menerapkan IT best practices untuk menghantarkan solusi-solusi custom yang akan meningkatkan fungsi-fungsi dan performa enterprise Organisasi kami memiliki engineer dengan expertise yang meliputi bermacam-macam spesialiasi teknologi. Apakah anda membutuhkan on-site engineer ataupun service yang custom, anda akan mendapatkan manfaat dari technical experts kami.
Contact Person: Cavan Kelly
Street: 55 Zaph Avenue
Postcode: M1C 1M7
City: Toronto
Country: canada
Phone: 416.560.4484
Website: JC Kelly
JC Kelly Microsolutions is a Canadian Technology Consultantcy headquartered in Toronto, Ontario.  While most of our work is performed in the Greater Toronto Area, we also service client locations across Canada, the northern United States and the United Kingdom.  JC Kelly Microsolutions is the trusted IT partner of scores of forward thinking organisations seeking innovative technological solutions to a wide variety of business challenges.

JC Kelly Microsolutions focuses solely on the unique computing, networking, and application needs of small businesses. When you engage us you'll receive a customized solution for your IT network, including:

  • Computer and Network Consulting
  • Planning
  • Design
  • Procurement
  • Google Apps Deployment
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance
  • Management
  • Street: Hs 3 Nkoso street
    Postcode: 233
    City: Accra
    Country: Ghana
    Phone: 0243510582
    Registered Partner