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Amazon EC2

This document provides information on how to deploy ClearOS on Amazon EC2.


Launch your Amazon EC2 instance in the US East / N. Virginia location using the procedure described in the Amazon documentation.

ClearOS Professional 6 - 32-bitami-5b95f732US East / N. Virginia
ClearOS Professional 6 - 64-bitami-ff9af896US East / N. Virginia
ClearOS Community 6 - 32-bitami-dd98fab4US East / N. Virginia
ClearOS Community 6 - 64-bitami-0397f56aUS East / N. Virginia

Please take note of the following recommendations when configuring your instance.


If you plan on storing user data (for example mail stores), you can simplify the installation by adding an EBS Volume right away. When you get to the Storage Device Configuration step in the Amazon EC2 wizard, add an EBS volume of any size that you desire.

Security Group

Your Security Group configuration should allow connections to SSH on TCP port 22, as well as the web-based administration tool on TCP port 81. If you can restrict access to this port from a particular IP or range of IPs, then we recommend this option.

Setting the Password

Once the ClearOS system is up and running, the first thing you need to do is set the root password. Out of the box, ClearOS follows the defacto security standard used in Amazon EC2 - SSH login to ec2-user using an SSH key:

ssh -i my_amazon.pem [email protected]

Once you have a command line prompt, you can set the root password using the following command:

sudo passwd root

Once you have set a password, it is time to move on to the ClearOS first boot wizard.

First Boot Wizard

Point your web browser to port 81 of your Amazon EC2 instance. If you are having connection problems, please double check the Security Groups setting to make sure access to port 81 is allowed.

During the install wizard, you are given a choice of configuring the system as either:

  • A private server
  • A public server

If you select public server, please note that the firewall only connections to TCP port 81 by default. If you have an SSH session running, it will get locked out. After you have completed the wizard, you can allow SSH connections by changing the firewall.

Tips and Tricks

If you ever want to jump to a root prompt, run:

sudo su -

content/en_us/6_amazon_ec2.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/25 00:24 (external edit)