Developers Documentation



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User Tools

Site Tools

User Profile

The user profile page gives end users a place to change their password and other personal settings. All users, by default, have access to this app.


An end user or admin can access their profile page by providing their username and password in Webconfig by navigating to:


Change the 'IP_ADDRESS_OR_HOSTNAME' part of the URL listed here to the actual IP address or hostname of your ClearOS server.

Then click on their name if they do not go directly to the following page:

From here they can change their password.

Password restrictions can be found here.

They can also access their User Certificates (if they have been allowed) by clicking on their username and accessing the dropdown menu.

content/en_us/7_ug_user_profile.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/07 04:49 by nickh