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ClearOS Enterprise 5.2 RC 1 Release Information

Released: July 8, 2010

ClearOS Enterprise 5.2 Release Candidate 1 is here! This release adds support for upgrades from ClarkConnect 4.x. Please keep in mind that this is still a test release, so proceed with the usual caution. Other changes since 5.2 Beta 2 include:

  • Fixed time zone handling
  • Fixed intrusion detection configuration handling
  • Fixed roaming profile permissions
  • Updated the protocol filter / l7-filter
  • Many other small tweaks

If you have not already done so, please review the introduction to test releases.

Remaining Tasks

There are a few more bugs that we would like to squash before the final release. We also need to finish implementing the command line tool for enabling master/slave mode. The final release is almost ready!

What's New in ClearOS Enterprise 5.2

What's new in ClearOS Enterprise 5.2? Along with updating the base system to CentOS 5.5, this release adds several administrator tools. In addition, the release provides improved integration with third party mail services; notably Google Apps and Zarafa.

  • Password policy engine
  • Detailed disk usage reporting
  • Network traffic analyzer tool
  • Custom firewall tool
  • H323 support
  • Mail aliases added to directory (improved support Google Apps, Zarafa)
  • Base system upgraded to CentOS 5.5
  • Bug fixes


New Install

Download ClearOS Enterprise 5.2 RC 1

MD5: 96c814f0f4c99697d1b37eefce991496

Upgrades from ClearOS 5.1 or ClarkConnect 5.0

To upgrade from ClearOS 5.1, run the following:

yum clean all
yum install app-upgradeto52
yum upgrade 

Upgrades from ClarkConnect 4.x

Upgrades from ClarkConnect 4.x must be done using the CD.


Please post your feedback in the ClearOS Development and Test Release Forum.

Feature Details

Password Policy Engine

Webconfig Menu: Directory|Setup|Password Policies

ClearOS Password Policies The password policy engine allows an administrator to enforce password policies:

  • Password minimum length
  • Password history
  • Password maximum age (expiration)
  • Password minimum age
  • Password strength

This feature is mostly functional in the alpha, but there are some rough edges. If you do not see the password policy engine in the menu system, you can install the module with yum install app-password-policies

Network Traffic Analyzer

Webconfig Menu: Reports|Network|Network Traffic

The network traffic analyzer gives you a view into what is going on at the network level. This can be a handy administrator tool for:

  • Locating virus infected desktops sending out spam, viruses, etc
  • Pinpointing network hogs (who is downloading that HD movie?)
  • Checking for unusual network activity

To install the traffic analyzer, run yum install app-jnettop

ClearOS Network Traffic Analyzer

Mail Aliases in LDAP / Directory

Webconfig Menu: Directory|Accounts|Users

Mail Aliases in ClearOS Directory - LDAP Mail aliases are now part of the ClearOS Directory (LDAP). Why is this a “Good Thing”? With mail aliases in the Directory, it is possible to integrate alternative mail solutions including Google Apps (to be released later this year) and Zarafa. You can manage these aliases through the usual User Manager found in webconfig. The adjacent screenshot shows two aliases for username tim:

  • thorton
  • tim.horton

Custom Firewall Tool

Webconfig Menu: Network|Firewall|Custom

Though most administrators will be able to accomplish all their firewall needs using the standard ClearOS web interface, it may be necessary to add custom firewall rules in some scenarios. The Custom Firewall Tool provides a way to create advanced iptables rules.

content/en_us/announcements_releases_clearos_enterprise_5.2_rc_1_release_information.txt · Last modified: 2015/02/28 12:55 (external edit)