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ClearBOX 100 User's Guide

ClearBOX 100 is a small, yet powerful appliance designed for SOHO applicatons. It comes with or without wireless support. It includes network bypass functionality which allows for some robust and high availability applications.

For information about ClearBOX in general, please refer to the ClearBOX general guide. This guide is for ClearBOX 100 specific operations and issues.


This technical guide is meant to assist engineers in specific needs and high level configuration options for ClearBOX 100 series of appliances. Please click here for a general overview of features listed in ClearBOX 100.

ClearBOX 100 bypass

Unlike the ClearBOX 300 which controls its bypass unit through the BIOS, you will need to change jumpers to change the default mode of the bypass segment.

To enable the bypass as “BPE Enabled, Not-Normal” for each of the two bypass segments (For mission critical gateway support). Open up the ClearBOX 100 by removing the two retaining screws just below the front face and slide the top cover and front face forward. Then move the jumpers from this position:

To this position:

For Inline Content Filtration Bridge support, you can just move the jumper of the first segment if you desire but if you move both it will not cause it to fail (you just won't be able to use eth2 and eth3 for management).

You will know that the bypass is working by the state of the bypass indicator light next to the eth0 jack.

Indicator Light Status
Green NICs on bypass segment are active and traffic to each NIC is distinct.
Red NICs are being bypassed, the signal is being coupled.
Black The NICs are physically unreachable/offline and the signal is not being bypassed.

Mission Critical Gateway support

Because many operations and services used under scenarios use replication, the ClearBOX 100 is generally not recommended for Mission Critical Gateway support unless you also implement wireless. In this mode, the ClearBOX can use the wireless network to replicate data where it would not be able to do so when the backup gateway is in failover mode. However, if your gateway merely needs simple configurations which can be applied manually at console when necessary, then ClearBOX 100 will work fine without the replication network support via wireless.

Halting ClearBOX 100

Because the power supply for ClearBOX 100 does not support ACPI, you will not be able to shut down ClearBOX 100 completely by just issuing the halt command. The OS will power down and the disks will sync but the system will audibly sound like it is running. An easy way to determine that the ClearBOX 100 is shut down completely is that its network cards will be taken off line. If you issue the halt command from a remote SSH session, you will therefore be able to tell that it is shut down by the link lights of the NICs going dark and not by the sound of the fans.

content/en_us/clearbox_100.txt · Last modified: 2015/09/17 14:58 (external edit)