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Account Synchronization - Headquarters

This is the first part of a multi-part series on deploying a ClearOS master/slave architecture. You can find the introduction to the series here.


The master node is the first ClearOS system that you need to deploy. If you are new to ClearOS, you can find the installation details in the Install Guide. If you are familiar with a ClearOS install, go ahead and start the install and then proceed to the First Boot Wizard.

Account Synchronization - Setting the Mode

ClearOS Master Node The Account Synchronization app is one of the included steps when going through the first boot installation wizard. There is a simple dropdown to select the system mode and in this case the Master mode is the item to choose (as shown in the screenshot).

Once you have set the mode, you will be shown a System ID and a Synchronization Key. You will need the synchronization key when configuring a slave system – more on that in the next step of the walkthrough.

Minimalist Install

As you proceed to the Marketplace wizard, we recommend that you keep the number of apps to a minimum on your master node. Since we want to implement compatibility with Windows systems, the following are recommended:

The following apps are optional:

Account Manager

After completing the wizard, it is time to configure the accounts system. In the web-based administration tool, go to System|Accounts|Account Manager in the menu. You will see instructions on how to configure the underlying engine for the accounts system. Go ahead and initialize the Built-in Directory.

Windows Support

If you plan to integrate Windows-based desktop systems with ClearOS, now is a good time to get that configured. In a ClearOS master/slave implementation, the primary domain controller (PDC) runs on the master system, will backup domain controllers (BDCs) run on slave nodes. To configure the PDC on the master server:

  • Go to Server|File|Windows Networking in the menu.
  • Configure your Windows Domain, Server Name and domain administrator password.

Plugins and Extensions

There's only one more thing to do on our master node - install plugins and extensions. What exactly are those? Well, plugins and extensions provide a way to extend account information (users and groups). For example, the Zarafa Mail Extension adds the following options to a user account:

  • Zarafa account type (regular user or administrator
  • State of Zarafa mailbox (enabled, disabled)
  • Mailbox quota

For our example walkthrough, we will be deploying the following apps across the various slave nodes. The corresponding plugin/extension needs to be installed on the master node:

PPTP ServerPPTP Plugin
Web ProxyWeb Proxy Plugin
Zarafa Professional for ClearOSZarafa Extension, Mail Extension, Contact Extension

Users and Groups

With accounts an Windows support configured, you can start adding users and groups. There is nothing special that needs to be done on a master node – go ahead and add some users and groups.

Part 2 - Remote Office

Please refer to this document.

content/en_us/kb_bestpractices_account_synchronization_-_headquarters.txt · Last modified: 2019/07/11 14:42 by nickh