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Kopano Upgrade to 8.7.x

Kopano version 8.5.8 provides an important fix for two critical CVE's (CVE-2018-8950 and CVE-2018-8951). Kopano 8.7.x is an upgrade to 8.5.8.

Unfortunately, Kopano's recommend upgrade process to patch these vulnerabilities makes it difficult to automatically deploy these packages via the regular ClearOS update process.

This update has now gone live. If Kopano won't start please refer to the Check Database section. If yum has failed during the upgrade, please refer to the Troubleshooting section.

You can read more about the Kopano upgrade here.

Kopano on ClearOS

If you are running Kopano on ClearOS 7, it is likely version 8.4.5. You will need to upgrade to Kopano 8.7.5 (2019-12-11).

There are different instructions depending on if you upgraded from Zarafa or if had a fresh Kopano installation. Please look at the mysql_database parameter in /etc/kopano/server.cfg e.g.

grep mysql_database /etc/kopano/server.cfg

For this article we'll call the mysql_database you find DATABASE. Most of the instructions are common using the DATABASE parameter. The mysql user is the same as the DATABASE.

Stop incoming mail

Stop any incoming mail…close your firewall, port 25 from Webconfig. New mail coming in will usually attempt re-delivery so you won't lose any messages.

Stop Kopano Services

systemctl stop kopano-server kopano-gateway kopano-dagent

Backup the Database

If you don't have an up to date backup of the database, now is a good time to start.

DATABASE is kopano

Get the Kopano database password:

  [root@system]# cat /var/clearos/system_database/kopano

Then dump the database:

  [root@system]# /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysqldump -ukopano -p"xxx" kopano > /tmp/kopano.dmp

Where xxx is the password retrieved from the first step.

DATABASE is zarafa

Get the Kopano database password:

  [root@system]# cat /var/clearos/system_database/zarafa

Then dump the database:

  [root@system]# /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysqldump -uzarafa -p"xxx" zarafa > /tmp/kopano.dmp

Where xxx is the password retrieved from the first step.

Perform the Upgrade

  yum upgrade *kopano* --enablerepo=clearos-paid-testing

These packages are not considered to be of 'beta' quality. They have been released by Kopano for production use and verified with their community/customers and ClearCenter's own internal QA team.

Check Database

If you have previously upgrade from Zarafa, your database and username may be 'zarafa' and not 'kopano'. Use the value of DATABASE looked up earlier in the instructions

Login to the system database using the “xxx” password obtained above.

DATABASE is kopano

  /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysql -ukopano  -p"xxx" kopano

DATABASE is zarafa

  /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysql -uzarafa  -p"xxx" zarafa 

Then, for either database:


  MariaDB> SELECT MAX(id) from names;

If this returns a value of 31485 or higher, there are too many entries and the database needs to be cleaned.


  MariaDB> select namestring, count(*) as c from names group by guid,nameid,namestring having c>=2;

If this returns any row(s), the database is inconsistent and needs to be cleaned.

Exit MariaDB:

  MariaDB [kopano]> quit

If either of the two cases indicate areas for concern, run from the command line:

  kopano-dbadm np-stat
  kopano-dbadm k-1216

The clean-up can take a while depending on your database size and hardware configuration.

If you have any issues, check Kopano's troubleshooting guide.

Check all cfg files exist

Check that following cfg files exist in /etc/kopano:


If any are missing, you must run the upgrade script below.

Run ClearOS Upgrade Script

Run the following script to fix systemctl unit files for Kopano:


This should be unnecessary as it has already run as part of the yum upgrade, but let's do it anyway.

Start up Services


systemctl restart kopano-dagent kopano-server kopano-gateway kopano-ical kopano-monitor kopano-spooler kopano-search httpd

Open Your Firewall

Re-Open Port 25 on your firewall to allow new mail to come in.

Zarafa on ClearOS

ClearOS 6

Unfortunately, if you are running Zarafa on ClearOS 6, you have no alternative to patch these vulnerabilities other than upgrading to ClearOS 7 and Kopano.

Follow the upgrading 6 to 7 knowledge base article here.

ClearOS 7

If you on ClearOS 7, an upgrade to Kopano will work. Follow the Zarafa to Kopano upgrade documentation here.

On completed upgrade, follow the steps at the start of this knowledgbase article to upgrade to 8.5.8.


libxapian22 dependency issue

This can be an issue for ex-Zarafa users. If you see an error message performing the upgrade:

Transaction check error:

file /usr/lib64/ from install of xapian-core-libs-1.2.22-1.el7.x86_64 conflicts with file from package libxapian22-1.2.21-1.7.x86_64

Please do an:

rpm -e libxapian22 --nodeps

Do not use “yum” to uninstall. error

If you see an installation error referencing blocking the upgrade, please do an:

rpm -e --nodeps libtcmalloc4

The installation should proceed and you should notice gperftools-libs being installed from the centos repos.

Do not use “yum” to uninstall.

Ex-zarafa users

Please check you fully completed the Zarafa to Kopano Upgrade instructions so you have removed all zarafa* packages and disabled the Zarafa repos. You can check with:

rpm -qa | grep zarafa

The only zarafa package you should have is zarafa-z-push.

Outlook shows Disconnected after upgrade

If Outlook shows the black warning triangle and “Disconnected” in the status bar, please check the log file /var/log/z-push/z-push-error.log. If you see errors like:

08/10/2019 13:20:35 [ 4610] [FATAL] [test] Fatal error: /usr/share/zarafa-z-push/lib/utils/utils.php:1144 - Call to undefined function mb_detect_encoding() (1)

Please install php-mbstring and php-soap with a:

yum install php-mbstring php-soap -y
systemctl restart httpd

Related links

content/en_us/kb_kopano_upgrade_8.7.x.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/03 03:42 by nickh