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Getting NICs and Hardware Detected in ClearOS

There are two ways that a Network Card or other hardware is compatible with ClearOS. Either they:

1) use a chipset for which the modules are already added to the kernel. 2) they use a chipset for which the module is dynamically loadable by the running kernel. (ie. they have a vendor provided driver)

Detected in ClearOS but not showing up in Webconfig

In the case of number 1, if you start ClearOS and the interfaces is detected and assigned a linux node name (ie. eth0, wlan0) then a driver that is in the kernel or in one of the modules already loaded on the system has been detected and applied to that interface. ClearOS is pretty good about seeing ethX and wlanX devices but may have trouble with specialty interfaces. If this is the situation you are in for any of the drivers you list, we can help you identify them and get ClearOS to properly initialize them. It will require tier II ClearCare support.

Not Detected at All

If your devices are not being detected then it becomes more difficult to find a solution. The reason is that now we are dependent upon the manufacture to correctly provide the software modules to make it work against the ClearOS kernel. The manufacture can:

1) provide a driver that is compatible with ClearOS and similar Linux distributions (RHEL, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle Linux, et al) 2) provide a driver for a very SPECIFIC Linux (ie. works with RHEL but NOT CentOS) 3) not provide a compatible or recent driver at all.

In all the cases, it now becomes the IT person's responsibility to ensure that this driver is up to date. There will not be any mechanism to ensure that the driver is automatically updated. Nor will will there be any guarantees that a future patch of ClearOS is fully compatible with the driver provided by the manufacture. This is why we recommend using devices that already are built into the kernel. If this is the situation you are in for any of the drivers you list, we can help you locate and install compatible driver and get ClearOS to properly initialize them. It will require tier II ClearCare support.

In both cases, ClearCenter support personal will need access to the box. Please submit a support ticket and include temporary access credentials and methods in a remote support ticket.


content/en_us/kb_troubleshooting_getting_nics_and_hardware_detected_in_clearos.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/30 08:45 (external edit)