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ClearFoundation Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about ClearOS, ClearCenter, and ClearFoundation.

ClearOS FAQs

ClearCenter FAQs

ClearFoundation FAQs

We're always trying to keep it simple. Here you'll find answers to the most frequent questions. Do you have another? Jot an email and we'll try to answer it [ [email protected] ].

Our main sections are organized as follows. Please click on the righthand-side menu links:

General Questions About the Foundation and ClearOS

  1. Question - How is ClearFoundation funded?
  2. Answer - ClearFoundation is mostly privately funded. You can donate money to ClearFoundation, sponsor an open source improvement to ClearOS, give us your time, or just spread the word about ClearOS.
  1. Question - Why is ClearFoundation set up in New Zealand?
  2. Answer - New Zealand has a stable economy and open Intellectual Property laws that provide fertile grounds for enabling ClearFoundation to grow. Though other jurisdictions offer similar benefits, there were some patently clear reasons to set up in New Zealand.
  1. Question - Are there free versions of your software?
  2. Answer - Absolutely. ClearOS is open source and you are welcome to use the Community versions under GPLv2 and GPLv3 licenses. Contact ClearCenter for opportunities to get the Professional versions for free or deeply discounted as a partner or developer for ClearOS.
  1. Question - Can I upgrade ClearOS from a previous version?
  2. Answer - Yes, upgrades from previous versions have varying mechanisms for support. If you are migrating from a previous version, consider getting a supported version which can include upgrade help via paid support. Technical details can be found in the various ClearOS Release Notes.
  1. Question - Are the core team members of Clarkconnect still involved with ClearOS?
  2. Answer - Yes.
  1. Question - Who owns the copyrights to ClearOS?
  2. Answer - ClearOS is a modular Linux operating system consisting of hundreds of software components. The copyright for each component is located in the component's source code. Point Clark Networks Limited, ClearCenter Incorporated, and ClearFoundation Limited, and other third parties own the copyrights to the components that make up ClearOS today.
  1. Question - What is protected by New Zealand copyright laws?
  2. Answer - New Zealand copyright protects the expression of ideas or information − not the ideas or information itself. For example, if you write a novel, the text will be protected, but not the ideas or plot. Someone could write their own novel using your ideas, without necessarily infringing copyright. Similarly, if two authors independently create a similar work based on the same idea, without copying from each other or from someone else, there is no copyright infringement.
  1. Question - Does New Zealand copyright law recognize international copyright laws?
  2. Answer - Yes. New Zealand is a party to various international agreements on copyright protection. This means that most works created by people in other countries are also protected under New Zealand copyright law. Similarly, copyright material created in New Zealand or by New Zealand citizens will be automatically protected in other countries.


knowledgebase/faq/start.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/22 15:32 by dloper