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Princess and the ClearOS Module - Part 4 of 4

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Apologies for the delay in bringing you Part 4! Too much to do...too little time.

For those joining late or who have troubles (like me) remembering what they did yesterday, let's do a quick recap.

In Part 1, our focus was to find a solution to the problem "Where has all my disk space gone". We settled on some code written by a software-engineer in the Netherlands who wrote Philesight - a web-based graphical chart of disk usage on a Linux server.

The goal in Part 2 was to get Philesight installed in our environment (ClearOS's webconfig), with a bit of an introduction to packages and RPM dependencies.

We then graduated to embedding the output Philesight provides (i.e. the graph) right into webconfig. Also in Part 3, we created the necessary localization files and took a quick peek into cron jobs and scripts.

In Part 4, we're going to package our work. Ugh....packaging. Gotta do it though, otherwise, we'll have everyone becoming experts in the command line environment and see hourly wages for Linux admins/developers plummet...can't have that on my conscience! Grab a Red Bull...we could be in for a long haul.


Migrating domains, Samba musings. part 1

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Many who use ClearOS for home servers or gateway services may wonder why so much effort has been placed by me and John Terpstra to the improvement of the Samba services in the core of ClearOS. The reason for me writing this is not to justify or rationalize the work and effort that has already been done and that will yet take place but rather to open your mind to the potential that ClearOS has as a platform for services.

 The strength of the emerging technology capability in ClearOS is not the file services at all but rather the directory which powers the backend, and the authentication processes that occur. When your platform has this capability and does it well, you change a significant dynamic from just being a UTM, or small office server. You now have the power to authenticate, authorize, and provide access control to YOUR data, YOUR services, YOUR resources.

Now we move into possibilities of scalability, portability, inter-operability, and flexibility. The cost that must be paid for these improvements is convenience. When you implement these big business best practices you need to remove features which allow access without security. This causes heartburn for some people who just want to use ClearOS as a simple network USB drive equivalent. To these people, I apologize, there are bad guys who will exploit that and while we're not crippling the underlying software which provides this if you HAVE to have it, we will be making it more difficult to create this behaviour. If you have to have it, you will need to know more than you know about how it works and perhaps when you know more, you will choose not to do it that way. This is why UPnP is something you have to get in the forums and even though it would be trivial to add, we won't do it (not if I have anything to do with it). ClearOS is easy to use. This is its greatest strength and its greatest vulnerability.

 The goal here is to make ClearOS, a distribution tailored for <50 users, capable of doing all the things that big businesses would need. This way compliance, IT best practices, competitive services, and robust architectures are also available for small business ... and homes. Open source makes this possible. ClearOS supports you, and thanks you for your support.



Shad Lords Joins The ClearFoundation Team

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Shad Lords has joined the ClearFoundation Team as a core ClearOS developer. With Shad's background with SME Server, Shad brings a wealth of experience in Linux development. Key members of the SME Server Foundation - Charlie Brady, Shad Lords and Greg Zartman - have been on the ClearFoundation Committee for some time. There is obvious synergy between SME and ClearOS since both are Red Hat derivations.

"ClearOS is really exciting. The ClearFoundation Team is a solid group with a clear development path. It will be fun to contribute new ideas and develop new features for the ClearOS roadmap." Shad Lords added, "I believe ClearOS will lead the open source market with new, powerful innovations for small business and distributed IT."

Shad - Welcome to the Team!


Princess and the ClearOS Module - Part 3 of 4

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In Part 2 of "Princess and the ClearOS", we managed to drink our way into oblivion after getting Philesight installed and displaying the disk usage graph for our ClearOS server.

Before we move on, let's make sure we give credit where credit is due and extend the customary "I'll buy you a beer if I'm ever in..." traditions.

Zevv...thank you for your contribution to ClearOS and OSS in general!

Today's goal is relatively straightforward...we're going to create all the necessary files to have Philesight update the summary database once per day and display as a menu item in ClearOS's webconfig interface.


ClearOS Roadmap Update - Version 5.2 and 6.0

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In case you missed it, Red Hat just announced the availability of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Beta.  We heard unofficial timelines earlier this year and adjusted the roadmap to reflect the expected Red Hat release dates.  Up until recently, we were not sure if the post ClearOS 5.2 release was going to be 5.3 or 6.0.   It's official -- it will be 6.0.

Just to update you on the expected release dates for ClearOS, a 5. 2 alpha/beta will be available in May/June with a final release available in June/July.  Let me pre-empt the question that many people will ask -- when is 6.0 coming?  The answer is ... drum roll ... when it's ready.  Yes I know...  a cliche. 

Here's why...


Princess and the ClearOS Module - Part 2 of 4

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In Part 1, we found an ideal solution in Philesight for determining where our disk space usage is being consumed.  In part 2, we'll get this software installed on our ClearOS server and functioning.

Put on your developer hat (no, not that kind of developer), and let's get started. Unfortunately, due to this being a 4 part blog, at some point, I'm going to have to assume a base level of technical knowledge.  Accessing the Unix command line, basic shell commands and using a text editor falls into that 'required knowledge' category.  If you're really new to Linux and have yet to jump into to the command line, you'll find some useful resources here, here and here.

Most software for Linux will have dependencies.  A dependency means the software you are intent on installing requires (or is dependent on) other software having been installed correctly, and of a compatible version.  Rather than re-writing a library to perform some task that's already been written, developers are naturally lazy beings and will jump through hoops not to create work for themselves.  Hence, they rely on other software libraries, applications or even languages to be installed, in order for their 'widget' to function properly.

Installing software on a Linux distribution can really be a quick turn-off to a new user coming from the Windows world when one gets into dependency hell.  In part 4 of this series, our goal will be to make installing this module simple (i.e. one click on a page in Webconfig). For now, because we're breaking new ground on this module, we need to follow the installation requirements listed on the Philesight website so that it will function correctly.


ClearOS Enterprise 5.1 User Guide...Now Available In All Its Glory

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We know you've been asking for more documentation and we've delivered.  ClearOS Enterprise 5.1 now has a much more robust user guide.  It's available on the ClearCenter website.


The user guide includes:

  • System Preparation
  • Install/Post Install
  • Directory Modules
  • Network Modules
  • Gateway Modules
  • Server Modules
  • System Modules
  • Reports
  • Appendix



Schwarzenegger Endorses ClearOS!

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Its always open season on the execs on April 1st! The ClearCenter Team conspired to trick our fearless leader Michael Proper with an endorsement by Arnold Schwarzenegger! With a bit of creative programming and some bold faced plagiarism, we mocked up a fully functional copy of the Sacramento Bee web site in our internal servers and spiced up a recent Arnold quote with a raving endorsement of ClearOS! We even included a few juicy comments by celebs and a photo caption!

We had him until he hit the April fool's date at the end of the article. Good for a laugh!

Happy April Fool's Day from ClearCenter!

See Screenshots of the prank below.

Pay With Bitcoin

Princess and the ClearOS Module - Part 1 of 4

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Ever have the feeling "ClearOS is good piece of software...maybe even great. I just wish it had __________".  All around the world, in 22 different languages, I'm sure the ending to that sentence has been completed with an equally broad range of functions - from running a media server used for streaming music and movies to your TV to cooking up a corn-beef on rye. For those that are interested, the former is coming soon while the latter...well, maybe never and definitely not from me...I'm not a big fan of the salted beef.

At any rate, I had this exact feeling over the weekend when I started wondering how I managed to fill up a 140 GB hard disk drive on my ClearOS server at home.  Seems the combination of having two girls under the age of 5 has a rather exponential effect of disk space usage with:

a) the number of digital photos of the two of them growing up (Doh! I had to buy the 15.1 megapixel model)

b) the astounding number of princess movies one can downlo....ahem, collect

But I digress, and I'm only going to get myself into copyright trouble. I know about Bash's "du" using a wack of parameters and possibly having to resort to piping the output to yet more cryptic bash commands...


l7-filter Finds a New Home with ClearFoundation

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l7-filter -- the Application Layer Packet Classifier for Linux -- Finds a New Home with ClearFoundation

The L7-filter software is a vibrant open source project.  The software is an application layer packet classifier that can differentiate types of network traffic by protocol; for example it can identify bittorrent, IRC, SIP and many other types of traffic.   In turn, these classifiers can be used to block or shape traffic according to a defined network policy. L7-filter is a very reputable project that has been integrated with ClearOS for some time.

ClearFoundation has been handed the reins and will take on maintenance for the project!  That means the capable ClearFoundation development team will be maintaining the code base, improving features, co-ordinating with other developers and updating software as needed. Documentation, bug tracking, testing, protocol filter definitions, and user feedback round out other maintenance tasks.  With the already thousands strong community and an open source not-for-profit foundation supporting the initiative, maintaining l7-filter is a good fit.


ClearOS Enterprise 5.1 Service Pack 1 Released

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March is here and so is Service Pack 1 for ClearOS Enterprise 5.1!

From time to time, Service Packs are released with all the latest updates and bug fixes included.  If you have the original release installed, there is no need to re-install or upgrade.  All you need to do is install the updates from the ClearCenter > Software Updates page in webconfig and you will have an up-to-date system.   You can find technical information in the
Service Pack Release Information Notes


Call For Participation From The Russian Community

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The following is an excerpt from a message read last week in our first developers web conference.  The ClearFoundation exists to facilitate collaboration between all types of peoples and cultures to advance the usability and proliferation of ClearOS around the world.

"My name is Valeria and I am representing Pavel Vorko from Dimitrovgrad (Russia) and Maxim Savin from Moscow (Russia) who are here to represent the Russian speaking community of ClearOS and we are glad to greet all members of the ClearFoundation.

We realize the large scope and significance of the project. We also understand that the founders and developers expect active participation and contribution from the international community. We are ready to collaborate with ClearFoundation in the following ways:

  • Provide help in project organization and interacting between our communities.
  • Revision of existing modules/components, development of additional modules, and the distribution of ClearOS in Russia and neighboring countries.
  • Teaching and certifying of computer professionals and creating resource materials for Russian speaking people.

We would like to thank all the members for your attention."


ClearOS Development Meetings - Update

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Hello everyone.  This is a follow up to the previous announcement.

The meeting time has been moved 90 minutes to accommodate commute times in Europe and the west coast of North America.  It is now scheduled for Friday, February 19 @ 12:30 pm Eastern time.  Apologies for the time change!  We will be using the Dimdim online web-conferencing tool for the meeting.  You can learn more about Dimdim and sign up for the meeting here.


ClearOS Development Meetings - Kickoff Event

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The Development Team is organizing regular online meetings to discuss ClearOS milestones and roadmap topics.   The meetings are open to everyone and are a chance for developers, beta testers, translators, neoentomologists, documentation gurus and anyone interested in ClearOS development to openly discuss the state of the platform.

The first part of all meetings are high level discussions on ClearOS. This is a chance for the non-geeks to participate in important policy decisions. As the meeting progresses, discussion will start to delve deeper into technical topics. You have been warned!

The kick-off meeting is going to held Friday, February 19 2010 @ 12:30 p.m. Eastern.  We'll post an update early next week on how to join the online meeting (we are evaluating Dimdim right now).   You find the proposed agenda here.


ClearFoundation Issues Patch For Security Issue With Samba

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ClearFoundation has issued a patch to Samba for ClearOS.  Samba provides much of the file service and Windows networking components for ClearOS. Earlier today the Samba team issued a statement indicating that all versions of Samba should have a key configuration parameter updated.  The security risk is not high because the file access requires both a secure connection (LAN or VPN, not the Internet) and valid username/password into Samba section of the ClearOS system.  Data on the system is still protected with standard system file permissions.

This patch will take effect on all ClearOS servers which are receiving software updates at their next update cycle.


ClearCenter Gives To Mercy Corps

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One of our customers is Mercy Corps in Portland, OR.  They are a global relief agency helping those in need around the world.  During a recent conversation, they described their first hand knowledge of the devastation in Haiti.  They are on the ground delivering needed supplies and resources.

Haiti's capital city is said to be "flattened," and officials say the number of dead may top 100,000.

Mercy Corps is deploying a team of relief workers to the island to help meet survivors' most urgent needs -- like shelter, food and clean water. They've responded to dozens of disasters like this in the past, such as earthquakes in Peru in 2007, in Pakistan and China in 2008, and in Padang, Indonesia last year.

ClearCenter began a donation page to Mercy Corps to help with funds for their efforts in Haiti.  Please check out the ClearCenter Gives page for more info -- -- and please consider making a gift on behalf of their campaign.

Thank you!  The ClearCenter Team


Slope Challenge: Who Will Survive Until the End?

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2e1ax Cleartheme Frontpage Slope 3

n the modern gaming world, there are countless exciting games that capture players' attention. One standout title you can't miss is Slope. This simple yet challenging online game has become a phenomenon among gamers in the USA.

Introduction to Slope

Slope is a 3D game with simple yet eye-catching graphics. Players control a ball rolling down an endless slope, aiming to avoid obstacles and keep the ball from falling off the track. 

Why is Slope So Popular?

1. Simple and Easy to Play: With straightforward controls, anyone can jump into the game without prior experience.

2. High Challenge: Despite its simplicity, Slope offers numerous challenges. Progressively harder, keeping players engaged and eager to conquer them.

3. Competitive Element: The game allows players to compare scores with friends or other players, creating an exciting competitive environment.

4. Playable Online: You can play Slope anytime and anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection. This makes it an ideal choice for those looking for quick entertainment.


Slope is not just a game; it's an enjoyable experience that helps players hone their reflexes and concentration. With its appealing elements and high competition, this game has won the hearts of many gamers in the USA. If you haven't tried your hand at Slope yet, start today and see how high you can score!



The Small Business Server Replacement is Clear(OS)

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 Microsoft still has a stranglehold on the desktop and servers for small business. While wheels are in motion for the former, the answer to the latter may already be here.

When it comes to the Internet, Linux is a big win.

Mail and web servers, databases, computational clusters and supercomputers all belong to the domain of free software. When it comes to embedded devices, Linux is also king of the roost.

There are two main areas where Linux has still not broken through, however - the desktop and servers for small business. Many small to medium enterprises are already “Microsoft shops” because the desktops run Windows. To break in, Linux needs to slot into these environments without causing a fuss.

Certainly the cloud is offering one solution to this problem, but not all companies are willing to put their sensitive data on-line and in the hands of another. So, a market for local servers to perform these functions is still alive and well.

The requirements

Part of the reason that Microsoft Small Business Server (SBS) is attractive is that it includes many core features required by a company, out of the box. Important services like central authentication, email, file and print sharing and web. Perhaps most important of all is calendaring. It’s something which businesses simply cannot survive without and has been a thorn in the side of Linux based alternatives for a long time.

Here’s a quick glance at some of the main features included with SBS:

  • Centralized Authentication (LDAP)
  • Primary Domain Controller (Samba)
  • File and Print Services (Samba and CUPS)
  • Mail (SMTP, POP, IMAP, Webmail)
  • Calendaring (Kolab groupware)
  • Webserver (Apache)
  • Firewall plus intrusion protection (iptables, Snort)
  • Antimalware (Clam Antivirus, Antiphishing, Antispyware)
  • Antispam (Spamassassin)
  • Database (MySQL)
  • Virtual Private Network (IPSec, OpenVPN, PPTP)
  • Web Proxy (Squid)

The complexity of these individual components is hidden behind the web based management interface, where users can simply turn on and off these modules as required.

While users are encouraged to administer the system via the provided management interface, it is also designed to be extensible. The back end is not hidden away, but offered up in plain sight for admins to get right in and change things if they want to. Various how-tos provide details on how to perform extra functions, such as enabling shell access for users.

ClearOS supports external modules, that is extra services outside of those included by default. This is part of the design goal of the operating system which will hopefully foster collaboration and increase its range of useful features. It is possible to replace the default groupware server with a more sophisticated one or even create new custom modules, such is the flexibility.

The included Kolab groupware server is reasonable, however it appears that a connector for Outlook must be purchased separately, such as that from Toltec or KONSEC. A feature rich, but rather unattractive, web client is also included via Horde. Linux users can have native support through KDE’s Kontact application, or Mozilla’s Thunderbird and the Sync Kolab addon.

The installer is straight forward and supports both hardware and software RAID. During installation the user is able to select a number of services to include, however these can also be configured at a later stage via the web management interface.

The web-based management interface is very intuitive and easy to follow. Server features are broken up into sections, such as Directory, Network, System and Gateway, where admins can configure various components thereof. Everything, from adding a user to configuring an IPSec VPN is a matter of a few simple steps. Within 5 minutes an administrator can have a fully functional Windows domain server, with all the bells and whistles. Pretty neat, eh?

Also built into the interface are various reports, such as the state of system resources, traffic usage and analysis, mail and web server statistics, as well as good old system logs.

ClearOS Web Management Interface

It would be good to see some improvements in the interface, to provide greater feedback. While installing packages for example, the interface appears to be doing nothing, while it is in fact downloading or installing. Reading the install log makes sense, but only if you know what you’re looking for. It would be great to see a simple feedback method in addition to the log. A rotating orange swirl while performing the task would suffice, turning green upon completion. It’s also a shame that there is no 64 bit version, however this might come at a later date if warranted.

Despite this, ClearOS is truly a decent replacement for Windows SBS. It has all the features yet is simple to manage and has the full power of Linux and free software right behind it.


Read Entire Article Here


ClearFoundation Infrastructure and Developer Tools

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A late happy new year to everyone!

We are making progress on building out the necessary infrastructure to develop ClearOS.   Some of the infrastructure is new, while other parts are migrating over from the old ClarkConnect system.

On January 14 2010,  the Bug Tracker  was added to the web site.  If you suspect that you have found a bug, we really do appreciate it when you take the time and effort to report them.  Without the feedback, it makes it difficult to make future releases better and more bug free!

In the next week or so, the source code repositories will be coming online.  In addition, we have three other pieces of infrastructure under active development:

  • A feature/wishlist system
  • A new translation system that will make life easier for translators
  • A new build system that will pave the way for 64-bit support

We'll post a message when these tools are available.


ClearOS 5.1 Final Version and ClearSDN Beta Released

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ClearOS 5.1 software and ClearSDN services are live!  
We're live and the doors are open!  ClearFoundation released the ClearOS Enterprise 5.1 final version,  and ClearCenter has opened ClearSDN services (beta) for business.  We want to thank all the beta testers, partners and customers who have offered such valuable feedback on the launch of the products and services.  Enjoy!
What's new:
  • Antiphishing
  • Windows 7 Support
  • Graphical Console Tool
  • Improved Usability and Web Interface
In addition, the following new services from ClearSDN are now available:
Now you can download the leading network and gateway server for small business and distributed environments with ClearSDN services and ClearCARE support from ClearCenter.  More information is provided in the following links: