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ClearFoundation Infrastructure and Developer Tools

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A late happy new year to everyone!

We are making progress on building out the necessary infrastructure to develop ClearOS.   Some of the infrastructure is new, while other parts are migrating over from the old ClarkConnect system.

On January 14 2010,  the Bug Tracker  was added to the web site.  If you suspect that you have found a bug, we really do appreciate it when you take the time and effort to report them.  Without the feedback, it makes it difficult to make future releases better and more bug free!

In the next week or so, the source code repositories will be coming online.  In addition, we have three other pieces of infrastructure under active development:

  • A feature/wishlist system
  • A new translation system that will make life easier for translators
  • A new build system that will pave the way for 64-bit support

We'll post a message when these tools are available.



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