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ClearOS Community 6.3.0 Released

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ClearOS Community 6.3.0 has arrived! Along with the usual round of enhancements, this release introduces new apps focused on the mail server stack. Anchored on the Zarafa for ClearOS solution, you can now implement an on-premise or private cloud mail server using ClearOS. This release includes the following new apps: Zarafa Community for ClearOS, Mail Antivirus, Mail Antispam, Antispam Updates, Greylisting, and more.

For businesses and organizations, ClearOS Professional 6.3.0 also includes Zarafa Professional for ClearOS, Mail Antimalware Premium powered by Kaspersky and Gateway Antimalware Premium powered by Kaspersky. The Zarafa solution provides Outlook support (calendaring, tasks, etc.) as well as integrated mailbox backup.

- Release Notes
- 32-bit ISO, 64-bit ISO, and links to virtual machine images




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  • See comment #5 :-)

    0 Like
  • Hi, what is the best way to upgrade from 6.2 to 6.3?
    It's the Community Edition.

    0 Like
  • The VM images that are currently available are intended for testing only (not production). We strongly recommend a full ISO install for production systems (on metal or virtual).

    As for KVM images, we have not yet found a team member to champion that project :-( The KVM images are created during the build process, but if nobody on the ClearFoundation team is willing to support end users then there's no point in making those KVM images available.

    0 Like
  • Buen dia, yo he instalado la nueva version y no me funciona en gateway mode, al parecer no funciona de esta forma el servidor dhcp

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  • When you can provide kvm images for production? The images of virtualbox are for testing ore for production? Because who use virtualbox in a server? i think that kvm have a lot more server instalation than virtualbox thats installed mostly in desktops. thnks and sorry about my english

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  • Send some feedback to the email to listed ...

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  • @Mikael: the biggest stumbling block for RADIUS is feedback. There's just not a big comfort level with officially releasing the app with such a low volume of interest. Please give it a try (yum install app-radius) and send feedback to [email protected].

    @Jopelepoop: we do not offer trial versions of Zarafa... sorry.

    0 Like
  • So if you wanna try Zarafa, before buying. Is there a way to do this? Because i have no experience with it at all and i am not sure if it fits my needs/expactations?

    0 Like
  • Rats ...

    Was looking forward to this but I can see it has changed "Target version" a few times.

    0 Like
  • Looking forward to it ... much easier since I already have a Vmware installed.

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