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ClearOS Community 6.5.0 Beta 2 Released

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ClearOS Community 6.5.0 Beta 2 is now available!  Changes since Beta 1 include:

- Tuning various apps to be Samba 4 ready
- Updating apps to be ClearOS 7 ready
- Improving web browser support, notably the quirky Internet Explorer

Along with the usual round of bug fixes and enhancements, the 6.5.0 release introduces Marketplace enhancements, a Network Detail Report, an Administrators app, Official Amazon EC2 Support, a Software RAID Manager, UPnP Support, an updated Web Server app, as well as new reporting features.

Under the hood, some changes were made to support OwnCloud as well as web-based applications (Tiki Wiki, WordPress, Joomla, etc.).  For those of you deploying ClearOS Professional, you should know that Beta 2 will be available next week.

Release Notes
32-bit ISO - clearos-community-6.5.0-beta-2-i386.iso  (MD5Sum)
64-bit ISO - clearos-community-6.5.0-beta-2-x86_64.iso  (MD5Sum)



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  • Bookworm
  • The Voice

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  • I am noticing issues from Beta1 that have been resolved, like the UI for toggling services at startup.

    Keep up the awesome work!


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