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Samba 4 Beta Released (upstream)

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Congratulations Samba Team!

The Samba Team has announced the release of Samba 4 Beta 1!  Why is this good news?  Well, Samba 4 supports Active Directory** logon protocols.  In other words, Samba 4 can act as a Microsoft Active Directory server much in the way Samba 3 can act as a domain controller (PDC).  That's a game changer.

Have no fear, ClearOS 6 was re-designed with Samba 4 in mind.  We'll be posting more information about the ClearOS Samba 4 roadmap in the near future.  For now, it's hats off to Samba!

** Marks belong to their respective owners


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  • Bookworm
  • The Voice

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  • Samba 4 would be great to see. And bind isn't all that bad. Heck it's been running the vast majority of the internet name service for quite a while. Once you get it right on a fair size network one time then the light bulb comes on and you understand it.

    Samba 4 would allow me to finally shutdown and retire our old Active Directory server. That would be nice.

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  • This hasn't been discussed with the dev team, but I'm going to propose having a test version available by September. There's a big question mark with the state of the DNS integration. Right now, Samba 4 relies on "hooks" into bind. bind => do not like. There's also an initiative by a member of the Samba team to finish off a lightweight Samba DNS server.

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  • Whoop whoop :) seriously as the win7 / 8 battle is a serious problem. Please keep us updated on how you find beta and schedule of when this will be included into the clearos beta.

    Stuart :)

    Took some time didn't it :), I got the feeling they where scared M$ would change the rules in win8.

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