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SME Cloud - ClearOS Available on Amazon EC2 (beta)

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For a few months now, ClearFoundation has been using Amazon EC2 for bits of infrastructure and we really like it. We eat our own dog food when we can, and Amazon EC2 is a great place to implement a master node in a master/slave architecture.

For ClearFoundation, all the users and groups are managed on the ClearOS master node running in EC2. Across the Internet, two ClearOS slave nodes are used for hosting source code (SVN running on good old hardware) and hosting the beta translation server (running in a virtual machine on-premise). The accounts on the master node are automatically replicated to these two slave nodes and the slaves can run quite happily without a connection to the master node. In other words, we can shutdown the master node on Amazon and the two slave nodes will hum along just fine.

Enough blabbing about infrastructure.  If you are looking for a hybrid cloud / on-premise solution, Amazon EC2 can certainly be part of the puzzle.  To install ClearOS in Amazon, please review the documentation here:

- ClearOS Amazon EC2 Install Guide

If you run into any issues, please post a message in the forums or send an e-mail to [email protected]. We like squashing bugs, so send those reports our way!




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