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Translation Tools Now Available

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We are happy to announce the official launch of the new ClearOS translation tools!  We have integrated the output from the translation server system into the ClearOS web framework.  This web-based translation system makes it possible for collaborators from around the globe to contribute.  In addition, a new Developer App provides a way to see the results of new translations just minutes after making updates on the translation server.

For more information, please see Getting Started. If you would like to contribute, please send a message to [email protected] and we can get the ball rolling.

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  • Bookworm
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  • Hi!
    I'm an system engineer from Vietnam and I hope to help with translation ClearOS to Vietnamese.
    I've sent an email to [email protected] to request a developer account, but no reply yet

    Username: hieuvotrung91
    Translation (Vietnamese),
    Create new themes,
    Develop new apps

    And, I can't use the online translation center. It's allways return

    Service Temporarily Unavailable

    The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.

    Apache Server at Port 80

    So, please give me a help. Thankyou very much!

    0 Like
  • Okey.. Thanks Peter :)

    0 Like
  • Hi Andi. Anyone who would like to translate can send a request to [email protected] -- no problem at all. Eventually, we'll integrate all of these standalone systems (translator, bug tracker, etc) through one LDAP system, but that's for another day. Until then, a manual request is required.

    0 Like
  • Hi Peter,
    We are in Indonesia have a translator team before, that handled by Mr. Gien Agena as team leader. Our most problem is a new translator cannot signup to get login name. Of course wes can go translate without login, but for some reason, most of our members want his/her name listed in the list of contributors.

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