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WordPress for ClearOS app ready for beta testing

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We see a lot of web-based applications getting deployed on ClearOS, and we have decided to take the plunge!  WordPress is now available for technically savvy beta testers.  On a ClearOS Community system, you can install WordPress with the following command.

yum --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing install app-wordpress

Go to Server->Web->WordPress in the menu to complete the WordPress setup.  

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  • Bookworm
  • The Voice

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  • problem on first installation, we should create own database and edit the wp-config before instalation prosess, change server port also fix the problem. change it to localhost or


    0 Like
  • Ok Thanks, I would like to be kept in the loop as to updates to it, I currently have 4 websites that are being hosted elsewhere, and would like to be able to host them on my Clearos without having to add 4 more servers to it.

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  • For now, only one installation is permitted, but this policy may change in a future release. Regardless, multiple Wordpress instances would only support a single organization -- it would not be designed for something like implementing Wordpress for company A + Wordpress for company B. For a variety of reasons, we recommend that each organization live on its own ClearOS node (VM, VPS, server, etc.).

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  • Hey,

    I was just wondering if there is a way to use this app to setup wordpress on multiple virtual domains. I have about 4 sites currently that are using wordpress. When I set up manually i am unable to upload plugins and themes but using this app I can.

    I would like to know if its possible,

    Thanks Alex

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