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Hi everybody,

Looking for some help to install ClearOS on my device. Here is what I have & have done so far:

1- Hardware: Minix device

2- What I've done so far:

- Updated bios of unit
- Tried 7.2 community 64 bit, when it does install it becomes unresponsive after install.
- Installed 6.7.0 community 32 bit, and install works fine. When I reboot after install I see the load screen with the circle completing itself. Then screen goes dark. Can't access the unit via HTTPS as IP addressing is not working - I did a ifconfig and I see one interface with the loopback address and another with no IP info. There should be one more, alas nothing.

Been able to install Untangle, pfSense & OPNSense but Endian, ClearOS are no go. Sophos Home UTM won't install. Starting to think my device is not best suited for this.

So I ask to you with the experience on ClearOS:
1- Anything I can do to get 6.7.0 to work?
and if not
2- Anyone has a recommendation for hardware on the budget side? This is for home. I can extract the RAM & SSD from the Minix & eBay it.

Many thanks!
Wednesday, March 09 2016, 01:13 PM
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Responses (7)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, March 09 2016, 02:39 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Not much more I can add. Did a quick search with Google... For more detail of the box see - it uses Dual Broadcom® 57788 Gigabit PCIe Ethernet Controllers. There have been some fun and games with this family of NICs on linux :(

    Someone else having problems with the same system

    Suggest you concentrate on a replacement system :)
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, March 09 2016, 02:54 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thanks Tony - you confirmed what I suspected. I works well with pfSense but beyond that, well, it will be replaced :)

    Any suggestions on hardware for a home network? Looking at JetWay right now.
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  • Accepted Answer

    J Kelly
    J Kelly
    Friday, May 13 2016, 02:19 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    What about the Atom D510? I assume it also has issues? I have a SuperMicro 1U server with that CPU and it worked great for ClearOS 6. I tried to install 7 and it wouldn't install. I don't remember now what the error was. When the hard drive stopped working I installed pfSense and it works great with that.

    Looks like I need to build a new system at some point. I really like the low power usage of Atom CPUs, and use one on my NAS server as well, it's a D525 so not much of an upgrade to use that server for Clear.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, May 14 2016, 03:11 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    What about the Atom D510?

    Sorry cannot help you right at this time. Many D510 machines have a Realtek r8168 variant. There is a kmod r8168 driver rpm available that has been compiled for CentOS 7.2 so that would not be a show-stopper.

    Main firewall here is a D2700 and its backup a D510. Finding them a little slow now and the newer Intel replacements are faster and much more power efficient have decided to run them until they either fail or ClearOS 6.7 reaches end of life - whichever the sooner. They both run headless so not going to do a 7.2 test install right now, but...

    The only scheduled upgrades are an SSD for each. The D2700 has been upgraded. The D510 will get a "hand-me-down" from my Workstation when I upgrade its SSD. Will be sure to test a ClearOS 7.x install when this is done as will need to temporarily move and attach screen and keyboard - but that is a few weeks away, sorry.

    Would have been nice to know exactly what the error was from your 7.x attempted install...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 26 2017, 01:27 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Tony did you ever upgrade your D2700?

    I have an Intel Atom D2500CC board currently running ClearOS 5.2 that is getting new HDD so was contemplating an upgrade rather than just imaging the 5.2 across.

    I'm hoping my Intel NIC gives me the edge over the OP in getting it to work (or falling back to 6.7 32-bit).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 26 2017, 02:34 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Currently running ClearOS 6.8 on both - still haven't freed up the SSD from my Fedora workstation which was to have been passed on to the D510 and a fresh ClearOS 7.x OS install.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 26 2017, 03:13 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    OK. many thanks for the quick reply. As a fall-back I'll download the latest 32 bit 6.8 I can find (ClearOS_Community- on Tim Burgess' site).

    I'm using the legacy IO (2 serial ports and the PCI slot) on this D2500CC motherboard so I'm really not in a position to upgrade hardware at this point.... worst case I'll clone 5.2 to the new drives. Can't complain about lack of options.
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