
0 votes
It seems the change to has now broken the documentation as I can not get access to the documentation anymore / it doesn't exist anymore

Example is:

Original location that tells you to go to clearcenter:

Bit of a pickle as I needed this howto tonight for a install but I'll try and manage for now I think I got the Jist of it. I'm surprised no one has done anything about this as this has gone on for over a week now.

Please can you investigate the documentation not being on clearcenter as it means that users starting out will not have the most up to date knowledge on dealing with situations or advance tips for the server.
Wednesday, April 13 2016, 03:50 PM
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Responses (8)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 13 2016, 04:02 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi James,

    Looks like the links have changed :( however did a search on bridge at and it turned up the following articles for ClearOS6 and 7

    might help?

    EDIT: Grr at forum editing of links, will have to C+P sorry
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, April 26 2016, 02:16 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Tim Burgess wrote:

    Hi James,

    Looks like the links have changed :( however did a search on bridge at and it turned up the following articles for ClearOS6 and 7

    might help?

    EDIT: Grr at forum editing of links, will have to C+P sorry

    Meant to say thanks tim for your help on this, your pages helped I wish they'd update the documentation if they were going to change things around I have seen other threads about this also. I have another question but it's unrelated so I'll make a post about this.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, April 26 2016, 04:29 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I was about to start a new documentation thread as my blood was beginning to boil yesterday trying to find something. I kept looking in the knowledgebase but could not find the articles I knew existed. Finally I found a bookmark and I think it is all there. It is not structured and some articles seem to repeat bit I think that is for the different versions of ClearOS. The web site really needs to be sorted out! :(
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 02:15 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    It was only a week or two ago I complained about missing documentation for ClearOS 6.x. Yes after all the time ClearOS 6.x has been offered the doc is still not finished and some links from webconfig result in no help pages available... Shame...

    I just did a partial check on this site. It is still littered with bad or broken links i.e. bad hosts where ClearOS references an external site that no longer exists, and of course the inevitable '404' broken links.

    Another example of bad source from the ClearOS site

    ... snipped
    href='https://' target='_blank'>Roundcube</a>. Features include MIME support, add...</p></div><a href='/clearfoundation/software/clearos-6-community/marketplace/server/Roundcube_Webmail#marketplace' class='appLink'></a></li><li><div class='app_Thumb'><img src="/"><div class='app_rating'><i class='uk-icon-star starfill'></i>
    ... snipped

    Mistakes like this are easy to do, I have done similar myself. However, there are tools available to find problems like this as well as 404s bad host references etc. The questions is why the maintainers aren't using tools to ensure a clean site and some pride in their workmanship. Outsourced to a company who couldn't care less trying to get away with the minimum work possible? Poorly written contact? Who knows...
    • Devin Johnson
      more than a month ago
      Tony, I'm seeing this issue too, and will have our team update the additional https:// causing this link to fail. Sad to see these simple things still lingering, but appreciate the heads up.

      If you're seeing missing how-to pages, or issues with documents or pages, please email me at [email protected], our team at [email protected] or of course continue posting in the forums.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 05:44 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Yeah everything changed when they made the new clearcentre site live it broke quite a few howtos. I thought it would be resolved by now but nothing still hasn't changed if you lot are still mentioning it which is concerning. It's not good for newbies because it means they can't look up info about this server. Especially bad for us because I'm leaving my company in a few weeks for a new role and while I'm handing over I can't currently recommend him to look at the documents on the site if they're broken
    • Devin Johnson
      more than a month ago

      Apologies that this has caused you some heartburn as you do a handoff. If you are looking for a document and can't find it, email [email protected] and we'll be as responsive as we can, pointing you to the correct URL in the interim.

      We're working on fixes that our DB logic handled along side our 301's for these topics, and will hopefully improve this issue greatly over the next 72 hours.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 02:53 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Good morning all,

    Appreciate your feedback on this topic. We had transferred all the redirects once in place from prior web properties (to ensure this wasn't an issue), however it seems it has become one. All documentation *should* be on under the Resources tab > ClearOS Documentation Overview section. There are some legacy Google Searches that had these items indexed with the old '' domain, however the documentation library was moved; so getting around this should be as simple as navigating to and searching there.

    If you find this isn't the case, please share the URL you're searching for (or topic you need how-to documents for), and we'll ensure resources are dedicated to resolving missing documents!

    You can share it here or by emailing [email protected]. We're also doing our own internal review once again based on this thread.


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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 03:36 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I think it's best to centralize all issues with the documentation and also the website here in the forums so it's visible for everyone. If things are fixed the problem is reported San fixed so everyone can see something is done. This gives a positive signal...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 27 2016, 04:17 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Devin Johnson wrote:

    Good morning all,

    Appreciate your feedback on this topic. We had transferred all the redirects once in place from prior web properties (to ensure this wasn't an issue), however it seems it has become one. All documentation *should* be on under the Resources tab > ClearOS Documentation Overview section. There are some legacy Google Searches that had these items indexed with the old '' domain, however the documentation library was moved; so getting around this should be as simple as navigating to and searching there.

    If you find this isn't the case, please share the URL you're searching for (or topic you need how-to documents for), and we'll ensure resources are dedicated to resolving missing documents!

    You can share it here or by emailing [email protected]. We're also doing our own internal review once again based on this thread.


    I know where the documents *should* but they aren't (as far as I can see). Have a look at the bookmarked link I posted earlier then see if you can find a way to navigate to the Troubleshooting Remote Backup Service (RBS) guide through the Resources menu. You'd have thought the Full Knowledgebase link would take you somewhere there but it does not.

    I'm sure Dave wrote an article about joining PC's to a domain with a troubleshooting guide. I've no idea where that is either and it could have all sorts of titles to do with Windows networking, domains, samba and so on. If you can find it I'd love to know where it is.
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