
0 votes
Hi Everyone;
I love this explanation :
And I would like to apply the Shared Domain solution into my ClearOS
So users will be able to receive and send email from multiple domain.
I totally understand the one unique user for all domain such as all those domain are alias, and mostly what important are able to send and receive email from those different domain.

So my question is how we do it, which files I need to modify and how ?

Because basically I tried by activating virtual_domain into postfix without success.
So I wonder if someone did it and is wheeling to share is technique with

In Mail
Saturday, October 01 2016, 03:02 PM
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Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, October 03 2016, 05:42 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Jonathan,

    If I understand you correctly, you want users to have email addresses on two or more domains. This is done by adding each additional domain name to "Destination Domains" under "SMTP Server Settings" in the ClearOS GUI.

    At this point you will be able to receive emails that are addressed with the username and any aliases for each user for all your domains. The users default sending address will still be the main "Mail Domain" you configured for your server. If you need a users default sending address to be from one of your other domains, you will need to manually edit the LDAP Directory data for them using "ldapvi" as follows:-

    from command line Install ldapvi: -

    yum --enablerepo=clearos-epel install ldapvi


    yum install ldapvi

    Create a resource file to make edits: -

    vi /root/.ldaprc

    Then copy and paste the following lines into it using the usual vi commands to modify/save: -

    HOST localhost
    BASE dc=example,dc=net
    BINDDN cn=manager,ou=Internal,dc=example,dc=net

    Modify the BASE and BINDDN line entries to match those shown in "Directory Server" from the ClearOS GUI.

    To edit the LDAP directory run the following command, entering your BIND-password which again is shown in "Directory Server" from the ClearOS GUI

    ldapvi -w "BIND-password"

    Scroll down to find the user you want to modify and change the line "mail" to the email address you want as default, using the usual vi commands to modify and save changes.

    Hope this helps....

    Cheers.... Andy
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