
0 votes
ClearOS release 7.6.0 (Final)
Kernel Version 3.10.0-957.10.1.v7.x86_64
Let's Encrypt App Version 1.10.7

I am successfully able to use the Let's Encrypt app from the Marketplace to generate Certs for the hosted websites. By going through the web server config I can assign the cert to the websites and everything works as promised.The cert also correctly shows as deployed in the Let's Encrypt app,

In the past, I thought I was also able to 'deploy' this cert to the Webconfig page as well. I thought that I was able to assign the cert via weppconfig -> settings -> general settings -> something. That option appears to be missing now.

I thought maybe it was automatic with an updated version of the app from the Marketplace. I went so far as to undeploy the existing cert, deleting it, uninstalling the letsencrypt app, reinstalling the app, and regenerating the cert. When I did all that, the cert worked and was able to deploy to the websites. But, I cannot find how to activate it for the webconfig page. The problem is that the webconfig page uses the default system generated certificate instead of the Letsencrypt certificate.

What am I doing wrong?
Wednesday, April 24 2019, 04:15 PM
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Accepted Answer

Wednesday, April 24 2019, 05:35 PM - #Permalink
1 votes
You're not doing anything wrong. I bumped into the issue at the back end of last week. Dave has a fix in testing but that turned up another issue which has just had a fix released. Things are slightly out of step for the moment so please do a:
yum update app-base csplugin-filewatch --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing
It may be better to install the csplugin-filewatch first but I'm not sure. If you configure the Webconfig to use the new certificate, but you don't get the padlock icon, please just restart the webconfig with a:
service webconfig restart
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Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 24 2019, 06:43 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Nick: your answer restored the choice of certificate to use for webconfig at webconfig -> settings -> general settings. And it correctly applied the let's encrypt created cert. Nice!

    Quick question: I note that this 'fix' pulled from the testing repo. Will this fix be put into the standard update process for other similar servers?

    Thank you!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, April 24 2019, 06:52 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    It will probably come out tonight. I promoted the csplugin-filewatch a few hours ago, but Dave disappeared into a meeting before I could ask about app-base.
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