
0 votes
Turns out my ClearOS Home instance did an automatic upgrade to owncloud 10 on August 29th at 6:13am. Owncloud hasn't been working since then, although I only noticed today when I realized my calendars weren't syncing. Was this automatic upgrade an expected event? If so, it seems to have failed horribly. :(

I'm only now trying to determine how to fix this, but the very first thing I tried leads me to believe this may be a long road:

#sudo -u apache php occ app:list
This version of ownCloud requires at least PHP 5.6.0
You are currently running PHP 5.4.16. Please update your PHP version.

The latest updates from the webconfig console show only ownloud related stuff. Owncloud 8.2.4 was removed on the 29th, but only owncloud-files-10.0.9 was installed. app-owncloud files were installed 2 days later.

owncloud-files-10.0.9-0.v7 Installed Aug 29, 06:13:54
app-owncloud-core-3.0.8-1.v7 Updated Aug 29, 06:13:59
app-owncloud-3.0.8-1.v7 Updated Aug 29, 06:13:59
owncloud-mysql-8.2.4-1.el7 Erased Aug 29, 06:13:59
owncloud-httpd-8.2.4-1.el7 Erased Aug 29, 06:13:59
owncloud-8.2.4-1.el7 Erased Aug 29, 06:14:00
app-owncloud-core-3.0.9-1.v7 Updated Aug 31, 01:38:41
app-owncloud-3.0.9-1.v7 Updated Aug 31, 01:38:41

Owncloud httpd config files appear to be untouched, per timestamp.

/usr/share/owncloud/version.php shows the following:
$OC_Version = array(10,0,9,5);
$OC_VersionString = '10.0.9';
$OC_Edition = '';
$OC_Channel = 'stable';
$OC_VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom = [[8,2,11],[9,0,9],[9,1]];
$OC_Build = '2018-07-16T14:15:59+00:00 d5836485ac9802db343b6c9eed986a24b50eb072';
$vendor = 'owncloud';

Interestingly, the VersionCanBeUpgradedFrom shows 8.2.11, which was never supported by ClearOS that I know of. I had 8.2.4 before all of this happened.

Yum logs from August 29th show a combination of php 7.0 and 7.1 files being installed along with some php 5.6 files as well (and the owncloud stuff). My php environment remains 5.4, so nothing works. I am at a loss for finding any logs relating to any scripts/installation/upgrade that was actually run after these files were installed.

Loading owncloud in a browser shows the maintenance screen.

Fortunately, I was able to dump my owncloud database to a sql file.

So, any advice on where to begin with fixing this? I doubt that I could just nuke everything owncloud and install current version from the repo. I am well aware that one is supposed to follow a specific upgrade path with owncloud (version x.1 to y.5 to z.4), so I'm certain that I couldn't just install version 10 and expect it to work with my database data from version 8.


Wednesday, September 05 2018, 03:43 PM
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Responses (21)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 29 2019, 01:50 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Patrick, this has the same problem as any other update which needs to go to the private repos which we spoke about on Saturday. You are welcome to update to the testing repo, but we don't want to push it until we can push the paid parent apps.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 05:17 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Dirk,

    OC needs 5.6 as you know, so it pulls in app-php-engines.

    You may just need to restart Apache:

    systemctl restart httpd.service

    and run the upgrade scripts again:


    Here to help if you need it.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 05:41 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Ben, thanks for the response. I ran the script:

    # ./upgrade
    chown: cannot access ‘/usr/share/owncloud/themes/’: No such file or directory
    chown: cannot access ‘/var/clearos/owncloud/.htaccess’: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access ‘/var/clearos/owncloud/.htaccess’: No such file or directory
    Updated trusted_domains in ownCloud's config.php file.

    There are no apparent changes. The login screen is still showing maintenance mode.

    The /etc/owncloud/config.php shows version 9.0.2, which has apparently been the case since the first upgrade back on Aug 29.

    php -version still shows 5.4.16, although this may only be the case for the command line.

    There is a
    script. Should I be running that now?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 05:50 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Check that your php-engines is working properly:

    /usr/bin/systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm.service

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 06:15 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Yes, it is running:

    systemctl status rh-php71-php-fpm 
    ● rh-php71-php-fpm.service - The PHP FastCGI Process Manager
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rh-php71-php-fpm.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-08-29 06:13:59 EDT; 1 weeks 0 days ago
    Main PID: 7435 (php-fpm)
    Status: "Processes active: 0, idle: 7, Requests: 3054, slow: 0, Traffic: 0.1req/sec"
    CGroup: /system.slice/rh-php71-php-fpm.service
    ├─5047 php-fpm: pool www
    ├─6095 php-fpm: pool www
    ├─7435 php-fpm: master process (/etc/opt/rh/rh-php71/php-fpm.conf)
    ├─7436 php-fpm: pool www
    ├─7437 php-fpm: pool www
    ├─7438 php-fpm: pool www
    ├─7439 php-fpm: pool www
    └─7440 php-fpm: pool www

    Aug 29 06:13:59 systemd[1]: Starting The PHP FastCGI Process Manager...
    Aug 29 06:13:59 systemd[1]: Started The PHP FastCGI Process Manager.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 07:20 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    What options are available (listed) if you run occ. Use the convenience alias to set user/paths automatically:


    Post the output here.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 08:11 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Ok, looks like the upgrade is maybe only partially done?

    ownCloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
    You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
    ownCloud 10.0.9

    command [options] [arguments]

    -h, --help Display this help message
    -q, --quiet Do not output any message
    -V, --version Display this application version
    --ansi Force ANSI output
    --no-ansi Disable ANSI output
    -n, --no-interaction Do not ask any interactive question
    --no-warnings Skip global warnings, show command output only
    -v|vv|vvv, --verbose Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

    Available commands:
    check Check the server environment's dependencies.
    help Displays help for a command
    list Lists commands
    status Show status information.
    upgrade Run upgrade routines after upgrading to a new release.
    app:check-code Check code compliance.
    app:disable Disable an app.
    app:enable Enable an app.
    app:getpath Get the absolute path to the app directory.
    app:list List all available apps.
    background:ajax Use ajax to run background jobs.
    background:cron Use cron to run background jobs.
    background:webcron Use webcron to run background jobs.
    config:app:delete Delete an app config value.
    config:app:get Get an app config value.
    config:app:set Set an app config value.
    config:import Import a list of configs.
    config:list List all configs.
    config:system:delete Delete a system config value.
    config:system:get Get a system config value.
    config:system:set Set a system config value.
    db:convert-mysql-charset Convert charset of MySQL/MariaDB to use utf8mb4.
    db:convert-type Convert the ownCloud database to the newly configured one.
    db:generate-change-script Generates the change script from the current connected db to db_structure.xml.
    encryption:change-key-storage-root Change key storage root.
    encryption:decrypt-all Disable server-side encryption and decrypt all files.
    encryption:disable Disable encryption.
    encryption:enable Enable encryption.
    encryption:encrypt-all Encrypt all files for all users.
    encryption:list-modules List all available encryption modules.
    encryption:set-default-module Set the encryption default module.
    encryption:show-key-storage-root Show current key storage root.
    encryption:status Lists the current encryption status.
    group:add Adds a group.
    group:add-member Add members to a group.
    group:delete Deletes the specified group.
    group:list List groups.
    group:list-members List group members.
    group:remove-member Remove member(s) from a group.
    integrity:check-app Check the integrity of an app using a signature.
    integrity:check-core Check integrity of core code using a signature.
    integrity:sign-app Signs an app using a private key.
    integrity:sign-core Sign core using a private key.
    l10n:createjs Create javascript translation files for a given app
    log:manage manage logging configuration
    log:owncloud manipulate ownCloud logging backend
    maintenance:data-fingerprint Update the systems data-fingerprint after a backup is restored.
    maintenance:mimetype:update-db Update database mimetypes and file cache.
    maintenance:mimetype:update-js Update mimetypelist.js.
    maintenance:mode Set maintenance mode.
    maintenance:repair Repair the installation.
    maintenance:singleuser Set single user mode.
    maintenance:update:htaccess Updates the .htaccess file.
    migrations:execute Execute a single migration version manually.
    migrations:migrate Execute a migration to a specified version or the latest available version.
    migrations:status View the status of a set of migrations.
    security:certificates List trusted certificates.
    security:certificates:import Import a trusted certificate.
    security:certificates:remove Remove a trusted certificate.
    security:routes List used routes.
    twofactorauth:disable Disable two-factor authentication for a user.
    twofactorauth:enable Enable two-factor authentication for a user.
    user:add adds a user
    user:delete Deletes the specified user.
    user:disable Disables the specified user.
    user:enable Enables the specified user.
    user:inactive Reports users who are known to ownCloud, but have not logged in for a certain number of days.
    user:lastseen Shows when the user was last logged in.
    user:list List users and their attributes.
    user:list-groups Lists the groups a user belongs to
    user:modify Modify user details
    user:report shows how many users have access
    user:resetpassword Resets the password of the named user.
    user:setting Read and modify user settings.
    user:sync Synchronize users from a given backend to the accounts table.

    The app list:

    # cos_occ app:list
    ownCloud or one of the apps require upgrade - only a limited number of commands are available
    You may use your browser or the occ upgrade command to do the upgrade
    - dav: true
    - federatedfilesharing: true
    - files: 1.2.1
    - files_external: 0.3.0
    - files_sharing: 0.7.0
    - files_trashbin: 0.7.0
    - files_versions: 1.1.0
    - firstrunwizard: 1.1
    - market: true
    - notifications: 0.1.0
    - provisioning_api: 0.3.0
    - comments
    - configreport
    - encryption
    - external
    - federation
    - files_videoplayer
    - systemtags
    - updatenotification
    - user_external

    I did have the calendar and contacts apps in my 8.2.4 instance, but I don't see them here. Not even in the disabled list.

    I tried running the upgrade.
    # cos_occ upgrade

    here is the relevant output:
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Repair warning: No marketplace connection: Client error response [url]" target="_blank">" target="_blank">" target="_blank"> [status code] 404 [reason phrase] Not Found
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Repair warning: You have incompatible or missing apps enabled that could not be found or updated via the marketplace.
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Repair warning: Please install or update the following apps manually or disable them with:
    occ app:disable activity
    occ app:disable calendar
    occ app:disable contacts
    occ app:disable files_antivirus
    occ app:disable files_pdfviewer
    occ app:disable files_texteditor
    occ app:disable gallery
    occ app:disable templateeditor
    occ app:disable updater
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Repair warning: For manually updating, see
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 OC\RepairException: Upgrade is not possible
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Update failed
    2018-09-05T19:51:48+00:00 Maintenance mode is kept active

    I disabled the listed applications, and run the upgrade again. This time it was successful. However, I can only login with the admin user; all other users are gone. Also, the marketplace url is incorrect in /etc/owncloud/config.php, resulting in the "No marketplace connection" error in the above output. I changed it in the config from" target="_blank"> to and now the marketplace seems to be working.

    While this is progress, this is not good. All of my users are gone, and their calendar and contact lists with them.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 08:26 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    Now run:

    cos_occ market:install user_ldap
    cos_occ app:enable user_ldap

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 08:30 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Then run:

    cos_occ ldap:show-config

    If there's a configuration existing for LDAP *and* your users can login, then you're gold...don't do anything else.

    Otherwise, if there's no config or your users still cannot login, it wouldn't hurt to run:


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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 09:07 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I did install the ldap app, and users can once again log in. However, calendars and contacts are gone. All apps that aren't from the default owncloud installation are gone. I looked in the database, and there are no calendar or contact entries in there at all. The database appears to have been reset for all marketplace or 3rd party apps.

    Is there a way to wipe out owncloud and re-install 8.2.4, then try the upgrade again?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 09:47 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    cos_occ market:list
    cos_occ market:install calendar
    cos_occ market:install contacts

    Does that help?

    I can make the 8.2 RPM available for you if that doesn't.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, September 05 2018, 09:57 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I don't have cos_occ market for some reason. I installed the calendar app manually via the browser. The problem is that the calendar data from 8.2.4 is gone after the upgrade to 10 and before the installation of calendar for 10. According to owncloud, upgrading from 8 -> 10 isn't supported.

    I would like to have the version 8 repo available. I am thinking that I will need to follow the upgrade path, 8.2.4 -> 9.x -> 10.0.9, export the database, wipe the upgraded install, re-install owncloud from ClearOS marketplace, then re-load the database.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, September 06 2018, 03:16 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    According to the Owncloud 9 release notes, you can't skip the 9.0 upgrade if you want to migrate calendar and addressbook entries to the new CalDav and CardDav code that ships as a core function of owncloud. Apparently the migration of this data is in 9.0.x only, and not 9.1 or later versions. Does the move from 8.2.4 to 10.0.9 include the 9.0.x migration step as part of the upgrade?

    I just tried to revert to 8.2.4. Owncloud 8.2.4 won't run, presumably because of the php changes that went with owncloud 10 (there are php errors in syslog). Doing a yum remove owncloud-files only removes the app-owncloud, app-owncloud-core, and owncloud-files and leaves the php change intact. I guess I'll have to remove the php changes manually; hopefully that will revert everything back to php 5.4 (or whatever it was) and owncloud 8.2.4 will work again.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, September 06 2018, 02:32 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    If you'd like to downgrade, follow these instructions (*** you have a dump of your 'owncloud' database from 8.2, correct? ****)

    yum remove owncloud-files app-owncloud*
    rm -rf /etc/owncloud
    rm -rf /usr/share/owncloud
    /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p$(sed "s/password\s*=\s*//" < /var/clearos/system_database/root) -e "DROP DATABASE owncloud"
    rm -rf /var/clearos/system_database/owncloud
    ENABLE_BETA=True yum --disablerepo=private-clearcenter-owncloud install app-owncloud app-owncloud-core owncloud
    echo "exclude=app-owncloud* owncloud*" >> /etc/yum.conf
    /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p$(sed "s/password\s*=\s*//" < /var/clearos/system_database/root) owncloud < /tmp/owncloud.dump

    Note the last line is specific to your name/location of your owncloud backup.

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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, October 21 2018, 07:45 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hello Damjan,
    If you are trying to get support please can you stop the aggression? It is correct that Ownlocud should upgrade automatically as every other app does. 8.4 was really old and users were asking for upgrades so a couple of people got together and worked on the upgrade over a few months and it was poshed like every other upgrade is. Zarafa to Kapano is not an upgrade. It is a complete package replacement and it is not a drop-in replacement. As far as I can see there have only been a couple of reports of errors and unforsttn errors can and do pop up. Look at the mess Microsoft make of some of their upgrades, upsetting thousands of users. I am not an Owncloud user so I'm afraid I can't help, but if you so want help, please can you tone down your posts?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, September 07 2018, 03:05 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Ben, thank you for the instructions. I successfully reverted to 8.2.4. I got all of my devices synced up, then I took another backup, removed the exclude from yum.conf and tried a manual upgrade.
    yum upgrade app-owncloud

    The update ran and took a little while. And failed.

    Sep 06 21:46:59 ownCloud[5226]: [ZAZ5rZCXZlsI6fI6PDR3][][--][core][--][--] starting upgrade from 9.0.2 to
    Sep 06 21:46:59 ownCloud[5226]: [ZAZ5rZCXZlsI6fI6PDR3][][--][PHP][--][--] file_put_contents(/var/clearos/owncloud/data/.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied at /usr/share/owncloud/lib/private/Setup.php#489
    Sep 06 22:08:50 ownCloud[5226]: [ZAZ5rZCXZlsI6fI6PDR3][][--][PHP][--][--] Undefined index: updater at /usr/share/owncloud/apps/market/lib/MarketService.php#93
    Sep 06 22:08:50 ownCloud[5226]: [ZAZ5rZCXZlsI6fI6PDR3][][--][PHP][--][--] array_pop() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given at /usr/share/owncloud/apps/market/lib/MarketService.php#94
    Sep 06 22:15:26 ownCloud[5226]: [ZAZ5rZCXZlsI6fI6PDR3][][--][core][--][--] Exception: {"Exception":"OC\\RepairException","Message":"Upgrade is not possible","Code":0,"Trace":"#0 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Repair.php(91): OC\\Repair\\Apps->run(Object(OC\\Repair))\n#1 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Updater.php(221): OC\\Repair->run()\n#2 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Updater.php(108): OC\\Updater->doUpgrade('', '9.0.2')\n#3 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/core\/Command\/Upgrade.php(254): OC\\Updater->upgrade()\n#4 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Command\/Command.php(251): OC\\Core\\Command\\Upgrade->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#5 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(946): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#6 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(248): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRunCommand(Object(OC\\Core\\Command\\Upgrade), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#7 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(148): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#8 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Console\/Application.php(161): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#9 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/console.php(106): OC\\Console\\Application->run()\n#10 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/occ(11): require_once('\/usr\/share\/ownc...')\n#11 {main}","File":"\/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Repair\/Apps.php","Line":196}
    Sep 06 22:15:26 ownCloud[13991]: [TTSxfYIcVrMLa98wxQ5z][][--][core][--][--] starting upgrade from 9.0.2 to
    Sep 06 22:15:26 ownCloud[13991]: [TTSxfYIcVrMLa98wxQ5z][][--][PHP][--][--] file_put_contents(/var/clearos/owncloud/data/.htaccess): failed to open stream: Permission denied at /usr/share/owncloud/lib/private/Setup.php#489
    Sep 06 22:16:46 ownCloud[13991]: [TTSxfYIcVrMLa98wxQ5z][][--][PHP][--][--] Undefined index: updater at /usr/share/owncloud/apps/market/lib/MarketService.php#93
    Sep 06 22:16:46 ownCloud[13991]: [TTSxfYIcVrMLa98wxQ5z][][--][PHP][--][--] array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given at /usr/share/owncloud/apps/market/lib/MarketService.php#94
    Sep 06 22:34:51 ownCloud[13991]: [TTSxfYIcVrMLa98wxQ5z][][--][core][--][--] Exception: {"Exception":"OC\\RepairException","Message":"Upgrade is not possible","Code":0,"Trace":"#0 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Repair.php(91): OC\\Repair\\Apps->run(Object(OC\\Repair))\n#1 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Updater.php(221): OC\\Repair->run()\n#2 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Updater.php(108): OC\\Updater->doUpgrade('', '9.0.2')\n#3 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/core\/Command\/Upgrade.php(254): OC\\Updater->upgrade()\n#4 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Command\/Command.php(251): OC\\Core\\Command\\Upgrade->execute(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#5 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(946): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Command\\Command->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#6 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(248): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRunCommand(Object(OC\\Core\\Command\\Upgrade), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#7 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/composer\/symfony\/console\/Application.php(148): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->doRun(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#8 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Console\/Application.php(161): Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Application->run(Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Input\\ArgvInput), Object(Symfony\\Component\\Console\\Output\\ConsoleOutput))\n#9 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/console.php(106): OC\\Console\\Application->run()\n#10 \/usr\/share\/owncloud\/occ(11): require_once('\/usr\/share\/ownc...')\n#11 {main}","File":"\/usr\/share\/owncloud\/lib\/private\/Repair\/Apps.php","Line":196}

    The 2nd line in the log has a permission denied issue. The .htaccess file in /var/clearos/owncloud/data is owned by root and has a timestamp of the original failed upgrade from Aug 29. Not sure what might have happened there.

    The "Upgrade is not possible" error is related to incompatible or missing apps. The errors just before that appear to indicate that there was an error during the owncloud marketplace update, which looks like it was unable to process one of the applications, ultimately resulting in the "Upgrade is not possible" error.

    I can't tell what app is the problem. When I followed your instructions, there was nothing installed but the default applications, along with calendar and contacts. I initially coudn't login because the ldap connector app wasn't enabled. Once I enabled that, users could log in again. I guess I can revert again and disable all apps that aren't core (although I don't know what that will be as I never really enabled anything but calendar and contacts anyway).
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 20 2018, 08:49 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    >re-edit, tonned down edition.<

    I am surprised that the community let this "payable" app fail without warning.
    I have made some adjustments to my underlying infrastructure and realized that Owncloud is not working anymore. I did not know if I was the culprit or not. I realized Owncloud stopped working some time ago after automatic upgrade.

    Reading about how it auto-updated to oblivion, I've even tried to revive the thing. After disabling an extra Owncloud app, I've set "maintenance" to off All my users are gone. Only admin remains.

    This is not the way upgrades were supposed to go.

    What do I do now? - A retorical question. I shall figure it out by myself in time. Time I thought I will not have to put in by using/paying for Home Edition. In the meantime I will just recover my files from the underlying filesystem.

    Clearos is supposedly better at upgrades then Microsoft. Keep up the good work.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, October 21 2018, 11:29 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    A lot of testing went into this upgrade and we appealed to the community to test and waited some weeks while the upgrade was sitting in the test repos.

    There have been some edge cases where the upgrade doesn't complete that we didn't catch (custom plugins I believe were the cause), but it's always recoverable.

    As long as you never un-installed the app, your file associations/shares are still in the database. You can check by looking at the database directly:

    /usr/clearos/sandbox/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p$(sed "s/password\s*=\s*//" < /var/clearos/system_database/root)
    # show tables
    # select * from oc_XXX etc."

    All my users are gone. Only admin remains.

    I'm not sure what you mean here since ClearOS's ownCloud default configuration is to use the users directory in LDAP. Get the LDAP plugin working, and your users are back.

    As for troubleshooting, have a look in /usr/clearos/apps/owncloud_home/deploy and look at the calls in upgrade file. You can run these commands one by one or run that script itself (it won't hurt to call it repeatedly if it's bailing somewhere).

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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 29 2019, 12:46 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    Any change that the pending update in the testing repo will be released ?
    I've tested owncloud-files-10.2.0-1.v7 package on a test server and it looks good.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, July 30 2019, 06:05 PM - #Permalink
    1 votes
    Nick Howitt wrote:

    Hi Patrick, this has the same problem as any other update which needs to go to the private repos which we spoke about on Saturday. You are welcome to update to the testing repo, but we don't want to push it until we can push the paid parent apps.

    Looks like you manage to push it to the repos.

    During updating I'd the following error
    Updating   : 1:app-owncloud-core-3.0.10-1.v7.noarch
    chown: cannot access ‘/usr/share/owncloud/themes/’: No such file or directory
    chown: cannot access ‘/var/clearos/owncloud/.htaccess’: No such file or directory
    chmod: cannot access ‘/var/clearos/owncloud/.htaccess’: No such file or directory
    Updated trusted_domains in ownCloud's config.php file.

    Not sure what is missing, but i don't have those files on the server

    When you acces owncloud you get a screen sating you need to run occ upgrade.

    you can run this command to upgrade :
    sudo -u apache /opt/rh/rh-php71/root/usr/bin/php /usr/share/owncloud/occ upgrade
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, August 16 2019, 12:47 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    just a small comment on the the app-owncloud in webconfig.

    When you push the button "Go To Owncloud Webinterface" it goes to
    In the thrusted domain i don't have the WWW listed, only DOMAIN.COM (without www)
    This is giving an error on the onwcloud webinterface because it is not trusted.
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