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When I try and connect to a FileShare (Flexshare) from Windows I get an "An error occurred reading folder: The network path was not found. (53)"

I am currently testing ClearOS before I install it for real so it is currently installed as a VirtualBox Machine, I have it configured with Bridge Networking and have had no problems connecting through SSH or web browser so I cant see where this would be an issue.

My setup on ClearOS for Networking is as follows
1. Windows Networking:
ServerName: clearosserver
Mode: Simple Server
Windows Domain: WORKGROUP (same as on my PC)
2. Flexshare
Share Name: test
Status: Enabled
Group: allusers
Third Party Apps: Read Only
Windows File Share
Status: Enabled
Permissions: Read/Write
Server URL : \\clearisserver\test

I have tried connecting through Windows with both the server name and the IP Address but I get the same error each time. strangely enough if in Windows I goto Network I can see CLEAROSSERVER Listed.


Friday, October 02 2015, 04:01 PM
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Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, November 24 2015, 06:41 AM - #Permalink
    1 votes
    This has solved my issue with Samba and connecting to a Win 7 box. I suspect this is the same issue here.

    But I really like the Windows Credential manager fix here. Harder to break.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 06 2015, 07:31 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    In which mode is ClearOS set up? Gateway, Standalone or Standalone with firewall?

    What is the contents of /etc/samba/flexshare.conf?

    Are smb and nmb running on the server (i.e. is Windows Networking running)?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 03 2015, 08:50 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Thanks for your reply, unfortunately CLEAROSSERVER is not even list and I can't see an option to add it, mind you I don't think it is an issue with Credentials as when I just enter \\[IP ADDRESS] or \\CLEAROSSERVER I get the same error where normally I would expect to get a list of shares available on the server and after I select a share a prompt for the login details (if required).

    I have even tried disabling AntiVirus & Firewall (AVG) on PC in case it is blocking in some way, but it has made no difference.

    I have created a virtual machine (using Bridge connection with Allow all) and have installed Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and it also can't connect to the smb shares, if I try pinging the server from either Windows or Ubuntu I get an unknown hosts error (but that could be due to the hosts files needing updating), I can however ping the IP.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Saturday, October 03 2015, 07:57 AM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    In the past I've really struggled with WIn7 and Samba and I don't think it is necessarily a ClearOS thing. I've had better success from the command prompt using "net use" e.g:
    net use Z: \\clearisserver\test your_password /USER:your_user_name

    The most reliable way is to use Windoze' Credentials Manager. Go Start > Search > Credential and choose the credential manager. Then add a WIndows Credentials for either "clearosserver" or its full FQDN. You'll be prompted for a user name and password. Then you can just use "net use" without credentials or WIndows Explorer to "Map Network Drive".

    There used to be a problem with Win7 and it probably still exists where, on start up, the shares show up but with a big red cross through them and they don't really connect until you select the drive. You also get an error message in the system tray saying "Could not connect all network drives". To get round this issue see this article. This is how I map all my network drives on all my PC's (all Win7).
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