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A few months ago I upgraded from my 6x-server with paid license for Zarafa community, to 7x with this yearly paid license. Now, I have so much trouble with the frustrating content filter in 7x (slow performance, not able to view several sites, in general far to buggy) so I consider to go back to 6x. But do I still have the 6x license valid, or is it gone by the wind? I did upgrade the system, not registering new...
Monday, January 04 2016, 06:51 PM
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Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, January 08 2016, 05:50 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Peter Baldwin wrote:

    Hi fikse,

    Please contact [email protected] to handle any subscription changes.

    Now, I have so much trouble with the frustrating content filter in 7x (slow performance, not able to view several sites, in general far to buggy)

    That's strange, the Content Filter engine (DansGuardian) is the exact same version and the newer Web Proxy (Squid) is a much needed update. Maybe a DNS issue? Or slow response times from antivirus? This may not be relevant to you, but the Community Edition doesn't handle more than 10-20 users.


    Thanks alot for your answer. I have now been in touch with support, and I have got solutions to downgrade to 6.x, if I want. I'll consider it.
    Now, I have tried several installs of 7.x, to eliminate any faults done by me. I have used quite some hours in logs, trying to figure out whats going wrong, but I cannot find the specific fault. Several (Norwegian) sites offering paid videos (i.e, who use https, contacts several secure/license/certificate-sites to figure out if I have paid for viewing the videoes, as I have of course), will not work properly as long as content filter is on. My ISP ( fiber, 80/80 mbps) seems to have everything in order, included DNS. Well, if I change DNS manually to google DNS, OpenDNS or other), it starts working again for a short term, then its stops working, with some faultcodes hinting to loss of data in short moments. If I use 6.x, it works without issues. Even if I tick OFF all possible "brakes" in content-filter, it still makes trouble. Not only video-sites, but also some more ordinary web-pages, some schemes not willing to work... Bah! :-D
    Now, this is not my only concern using 7.x . Loss of samba (not starting, looses connection with LDAP), loss of community edition of Owncloud in marketplace, and no use of the new samba (beta), because of no connection to Zarafa, makes me think it's easier for me to stick with 6.x, ATM. I enjoy some thinkering to get stuff working, but this time I belive there is to much job to get "stuff" to work properly (read: my wife is complaining for not being able to view what he wants on the TV, not able to access files, bla-bla-bla-complaining-bla-bla-bla), so... ;-P
    Hardware should be adequate, Xeon L3426 CPU, 4GB ECC RAM (not able to find new correct RAM for this Intel serverboard), 1GB HW-RAID, server-quality GB-NICs, all approved by RH... 8 users, seldom more than 3-4 concurrently; Plex stealing most of CPU/RAM, but within sensible amounts.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, January 07 2016, 03:24 PM - #Permalink
    1 votes
    Hi fikse,

    Please contact [email protected] to handle any subscription changes.

    Now, I have so much trouble with the frustrating content filter in 7x (slow performance, not able to view several sites, in general far to buggy)

    That's strange, the Content Filter engine (DansGuardian) is the exact same version and the newer Web Proxy (Squid) is a much needed update. Maybe a DNS issue? Or slow response times from antivirus? This may not be relevant to you, but the Community Edition doesn't handle more than 10-20 users.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, January 06 2016, 09:14 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Is there anyone that can answer this? :(
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