
0 votes
Hi. I just made update my ClearOS, and after reboot flexshare is not available. So i looked at admin dashboard and menus Users and Groups are not available. It writes Ooops! No such object! Can anyone help please?

Screen of error:
In Users
Monday, October 12 2015, 09:39 AM
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Responses (19)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 13 2015, 04:21 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hello Miroslav,

    That's caused by an LDAP issue. The root cause is typically a "disk full" situation or file system error. The quick way around the issue is to restore a recent snapshot from the Configuration Backup app in ClearOS.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 13 2015, 05:08 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Hi Peter,
    thank you for your reply. Restore from backup was first thing I have tried, but without success. It writes: The version information in the backup file does not match the version installed on this system. (ClearOS Community release 6.6.0 (Final)). Now I have version 6.7.0.

    Please any other sugestions?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 13 2015, 05:41 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Try cheating and edit the file /etc/clearos-release, perhaps?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 13 2015, 05:55 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Nick Howitt wrote:

    Try cheating and edit the file /etc/clearos-release, perhaps?

    Thank you Nick. Editing /etc/clearos-release and then restore from backup hepled.
    Thank you again.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, October 13 2015, 06:01 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Good. Remember to change it back.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 02:23 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    I have the same problem here ı think. Ihave internal mail server behind the ClearOS but I could not get e-mails from outside of my domain. But I can send e-mail to everyWhere..

    Jul 26 16:07:19 gateway postfix/smtpd[27785]: warning: hostname xxx does not resolve to address Name or service not known
    Jul 26 16:07:19 gateway postfix/smtpd[27785]: connect from unknown[]
    Jul 26 16:07:19 gateway postfix/smtpd[27785]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 451 4.3.0 <[email protected]>: Temporary lookup failure; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<[email protected]>
    Jul 26 16:07:19 gateway postfix/smtpd[27785]: disconnect from unknown[]
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/smtpd[27779]: warning: hostname host-xxxx does not resolve to address Name or service not known
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/smtpd[27779]: connect from unknown[]
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ Search base 'ou=Groups,ou=Accounts,dc=system,dc=lan' not found: 32: No such object
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: ldap:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: virtual_alias_domains lookup failure
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ Search base 'ou=Groups,ou=Accounts,dc=system,dc=lan' not found: 32: No such object
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: ldap:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Jul 26 16:07:20 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[20712]: warning: virtual_alias_domains lookup failure
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 02:53 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    Please can you check that LDAP is running:
    systemctl status slapd.service
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 04:29 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    Here is the results. It says "Configuration directory /etc/openldap/slapd.d does not exits.
    does it cause of the problem? This problem happened this morning. Nothing has changed before the error happens

    [root@gateway ~]# systemctl status slapd.service
    â slapd.service - OpenLDAP Server Daemon
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/slapd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: active (running) since Thu 2018-07-26 17:37:10 +03; 1h 48min ago
    Docs: man:slapd
    Main PID: 5689 (slapd)
    CGroup: /system.slice/slapd.service
    ââ5689 /usr/sbin/slapd -u ldap -h ldap:// ldaps:///

    Jul 26 17:37:10 systemd[1]: Starting OpenLDAP Server Daemon...
    Jul 26 17:37:10[5672]: Configuration directory '/etc/openldap/slapd.d' does not exist.
    Jul 26 17:37:10[5672]: Warning: Usage of a configuration file is obsolete!
    Jul 26 17:37:10 runuser[5676]: pam_unix(runuser:session): session opened for user ldap by (uid=0)
    Jul 26 17:37:10 slapd[5687]: @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.44 (Aug 12 2017 06:10:11) $
    [email protected]:/builddir/build/BUILD/openldap-2.4.44/openld...s/slapd
    Jul 26 17:37:10 systemd[1]: Started OpenLDAP Server Daemon.
    Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 04:32 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I have also restored configuration one week before. While restoring It looked like everything worked. Som e-mails from outside reached to our server but after restoring has been complated the same problem acquired again. I have no idea where to start to solve this.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 05:01 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    The configuration file should not exist so it is not an error and ldap looks like it is running OK. not relevant to your problem, but why have you published your LDAP to all interfaces?

    When did your system update openldap:
    grep ": openldap" /var/log/yum.log

    Also have you tried restarting slapd and postfix?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 05:39 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    May 10 02:28:09 Updated: 1:app-openldap-core-2.4.3-1.v7.noarch

    I have rebooted ClearOS but nothing changed. I do not know how i can puslish LDAP to all INterface. Ihave LDAP server which is IP address is (I also connected to Microsoft Active Directory server but now It sayas "Account sistem is offline . How can i connect to LDAPby command from SSH Client. The last time I had the same problem when i tried to connect using command line IT will be solved suddenly ..
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 05:43 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I am not an experienced person about ClearOS Just want to solve my problem :
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 06:33 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I am not familiar with your set up or with which version you are running. You missed out a space in the command I gave you which would give me an idea. It would be easiest to copy and paste it.

    From a terminal you could try:
    telnet 389
    to connect to LDAP locally. If connecting remotely you'll need to use the ClearOS LAN IP and port 636.

    To get control of a telnet session do ctl+] then you should get a prompt where you can type "quit".
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 06:47 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    It can connet via telnet.. There is no connection problem..I have still the same error :(
    I do not know where to start digging..

    Jul 26 21:18:05 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[9811]: warning: dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ Search base 'ou=Groups,ou=Accounts,dc=system,dc=lan' not found: 32: No such object
    Jul 26 21:18:05 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[9811]: warning: ldap:/etc/postfix/ table lookup problem
    Jul 26 21:18:05 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[9811]: warning: virtual_alias_domains lookup failure
    Jul 26 21:18:05 gateway postfix/trivial-rewrite[9811]: warning: dict_ldap_lookup: /etc/postfix/ Search base 'ou=Groups,ou=Accounts,dc=system,dc=lan' not found: 32: No such object
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 07:20 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I have no experience of the AD connector and I don't know how it works. To be honest, if you have such a set up with little knowledge I'd have thought a professional Gold or Platinum subscription would be advisable.

    Anyway that is the output of:
    grep search_base /etc/postfix/
    grep rootdn.*, /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 07:26 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes

    [root@gateway ~]# grep search_base /etc/postfix/
    search_base = ou=Groups,ou=Accounts,dc=system,dc=lan
    [root@gateway ~]# grep rootdn.*, /etc/openldap/slapd.conf
    rootdn "cn=manager,ou=Internal,dc=system,dc=lan"
    [root@gateway ~]#
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 07:34 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    They tie up OK.

    Following PeterB's post, how are you for disk space:
    df -h
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  • Accepted Answer

    Cumhur ata
    Cumhur ata
    Thursday, July 26 2018, 07:42 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    [root@gateway ~]# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/clearos-root 592G 6.6G 585G 2% /
    devtmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev
    tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 3.9G 17M 3.9G 1% /run
    tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/sda1 497M 228M 270M 46% /boot
    tmpfs 799M 0 799M 0% /run/user/991
    tmpfs 799M 0 799M 0% /run/user/0
    [root@gateway ~]#
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  • Accepted Answer

    Thursday, July 26 2018, 07:50 PM - #Permalink
    0 votes
    I think LDAP is probably OK, but if it is pulling its data from the AD Connector the I have no idea where to start troubleshooting that side. Does the connector look as if it is functioning?
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