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  • Mick Russom
    Mick Russom favourited the discussion, What Is The Future of ClearOS?

    What Is The Future of ClearOS?

    To: ClearOS Business Admins, I.E., those who are in charge of everything Clear

    I am just one person and a pretty insignificant voice in this big world. I have used almost every iteration of ClearOS going WAY back to when it was ClarkConnect! I believe that ClarkConnect was my first foray into the Linux "appliance" world and it has always served me well as my home office router. I have tried all of the other OpenSource firewall/routers from pfSense, to Untangle to everything in between. Learned a lot but I always came back to ClearOS! ClearOS just worked and was easy to configure and with a few tweaks one could make it do anything the other distros would do. And...

    We had an online expert for almost as long as I can remember, an expert always in the forums helping me (us) out. For quite a few years it was Nick Howitt. This man was such a valuable asset to me and to this forum IMHO.

    Today is the first day I have seen questions in these forums go with zero replies. I fear that this will continue. I am no expert but I am certain others are and may come forward in time.

    I have never supported ClearOS or ClarkConnect with money. Never bought a module and now I feel that I should have or at least Clear should have created a donation button to help keep things alive. I have done that with other semi closed - OpenSource projects.

    It is my true and fervent hope that Nick still would like to work for Clear and that the issues he and the company are having can hopefully be remedied. If not, shame on Clear for letting a valuable asset get away.

    To Nick Howitt: Good luck to you sir! You have always been courteous and certainly helped me a lot! And I have asked some pretty stupid questions! I wish I could buy you a pint! And I do hope you show up from time to time in these forums!

    To Clear: Will ClearOS still be a leader? Will this project and company stay alive? If you're folding up, closing the doors, turning the light switch off, please let us know sooner rather than later. This kind of employee stuff just seems like a pre-cusror to more issues and problems ahead.


  • Mick Russom

    To: ClearOS Business Admins, I.E., those who are in charge of everything Clear

    I am just one person and a pretty insignificant voice in this big world. I have used almost every iteration of ClearOS going WAY back to when it was ClarkConnect! I believe that ClarkConnect was my first foray into the Linux "appliance" world and it has always served me well as my home office router. I have tried all of the other OpenSource firewall/routers from pfSense, to Untangle to everything in between. Learned a lot but I always came back to ClearOS! ClearOS just worked and was easy to configure and with a few tweaks one could make it do anything the other distros would do. And...

    We had an online expert for almost as long as I can remember, an expert always in the forums helping me (us) out. For quite a few years it was Nick Howitt. This man was such a valuable asset to me and to this forum IMHO.

    Today is the first day I have seen questions in these forums go with zero replies. I fear that this will continue. I am no expert but I am certain others are and may come forward in time.

    I have never supported ClearOS or ClarkConnect with money. Never bought a module and now I feel that I should have or at least Clear should have created a donation button to help keep things alive. I have done that with other semi closed - OpenSource projects.

    It is my true and fervent hope that Nick still would like to work for Clear and that the issues he and the company are having can hopefully be remedied. If not, shame on Clear for letting a valuable asset get away.

    To Nick Howitt: Good luck to you sir! You have always been courteous and certainly helped me a lot! And I have asked some pretty stupid questions! I wish I could buy you a pint! And I do hope you show up from time to time in these forums!

    To Clear: Will ClearOS still be a leader? Will this project and company stay alive? If you're folding up, closing the doors, turning the light switch off, please let us know sooner rather than later. This kind of employee stuff just seems like a pre-cusror to more issues and problems ahead.


  • With CentOS 7.6 being released on 3 Dec 2018, would expect the immediate priority is to get ClearOS 7.6 out of the door...
    CentOS has released CentOS Linux 7.6 (1810)

    Not sure that the developers would consider the changes required for ClearOS to go from 7.x -> 8.x "trivial" :)


  • Mick Russom
    Mick Russom voted on the post, Re: ClearOS 8

    I'm quite curious about the ClearOS 8 situation as well.

    Currently we have quite a fleet of ClearOS 6 units that I'd like to replace with ClearOS 8 units. Thanks!

  • Mick Russom
    Mick Russom likes the reply for the discussion, Re: ClearOS 8

    I'm quite curious about the ClearOS 8 situation as well.

    Currently we have quite a fleet of ClearOS 6 units that I'd like to replace with ClearOS 8 units. Thanks!

  • Mick Russom
    Mick Russom likes the reply for the discussion, Re: ClearOS 8

    Hi Nick,

    Are you able to expand a little on the issues from the IBM/RedHat tie up that have put ClearOS8 on hold. We have a significant base of ClearOS 6 & 7 clients and it's a little concerning to hear that development is on hold.

    Thanks.... Andy

  • Mick Russom
    Mick Russom voted on the post, Re: ClearOS 8

    Hi Nick,

    Are you able to expand a little on the issues from the IBM/RedHat tie up that have put ClearOS8 on hold. We have a significant base of ClearOS 6 & 7 clients and it's a little concerning to hear that development is on hold.

    Thanks.... Andy

  • In the past it took some time to get from older versions of CentOS to newer versions. Things have gotten a lot better especially in the CleaOS/CentOS 7.x era.

    An elephant in the room is CentOS 7.x is so far past its rational expiration date with its ancient kernel (and the ridiculously outdated packages forced by RedHat) the time is now to get ClearOS onto CentOS 8 - if not for the kernel alone - wouldnt it be nice if redhat rebased the kernel every 2-3 years or so instead of never :)

    I've run RedHat 8 on a VM and on bare metal and have run CentOS 8 on a VM - it should be possible to start looking at getting ClearOS running on CentOS 8...

    Can't wait to see ClearOS 8 whenever it comes - hopefully sooner rather than later.

  • In the past it took some time to get from older versions of CentOS to newer versions. Things have gotten a lot better especially in the CleaOS/CentOS 7.x era.

    An elephant in the room is CentOS 7.x is so far past its rational expiration date with its ancient kernel (and the ridiculously outdated packages forced by RedHat) the time is now to get ClearOS onto CentOS 8 - if not for the kernel alone - wouldnt it be nice if redhat rebased the kernel every 2-3 years or so instead of never :)

    I've run RedHat 8 on a VM and on bare metal and have run CentOS 8 on a VM - it should be possible to start looking at getting ClearOS running on CentOS 8...

    Can't wait to see ClearOS 8 whenever it comes - hopefully sooner rather than later.

  • CentOS 8 Released - Since RHEL8 and CentOS is well is here, what is the plan for ClearOS 8?

    In the past it took some time to get from older versions of CentOS to newer versions. Things have gotten a lot better especially in the CleaOS/CentOS 7.x era.

    An elephant in the room is CentOS 7.x is so far past its rational expiration date with its ancient kernel (and the ridiculously outdated packages forced by RedHat) the time is now to get ClearOS onto CentOS 8 - if not for the kernel alone - wouldnt it be nice if redhat rebased the kernel every 2-3 years or so instead of never :)

    I've run RedHat 8 on a VM and on bare metal and have run CentOS 8 on a VM - it should be possible to start looking at getting ClearOS running on CentOS 8...

    Can't wait to see ClearOS 8 whenever it comes - hopefully sooner rather than later.