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  • I found that I could open the shared folders through the file manager, & copy files back & forth which works fine, but I would still like to be able to mount them in my file system so that I can access them via cli or file dialog boxes. I am no loner getting the "Invalid argument" error, now the error is "No such file or directory". Here is my current line in fstab:

    // /media/shared cifs rw,username=shea1roh,domain=MORNINGSTAR,vers=3.11 0 0

    I have tried different vers arguments, 3.0, 3.11, & 3.1.1, as well as leaving the vers argument off, & I get the "no such file or directory" error each time. I have confirmed that the folder /media/shared exists on my client, & when I run smbclient -L \\hostname, it lists a shared folder called "shared". Any other suggestions? Thanks