My Community Dashboard

  • Hi Philip,

    The 30-day countdown support, is that the same as the 30-day window to upgrade?

    I think you're mis-understanding the 'feature'.

    There is, and will always be a free (as in beer) Community's critical to ClearCenter's business model.

    The 30 day window will put all users of Community Edition (post install) on the verified repositories that have traditionally been reserved for Professional Edition (eg. paid users).

    It allows us to help upgrade anyone who selects Community Edition from the outset, then changes their mind during the first 30 days and wants a supported platform or benefit from the included apps or services. If no upgrade (eg. no action) is performed in the 30 day window, all that happens is that you will no longer be on the verified repositories, and will switch (automatically) to the repositories that the Community has always been getting package updates first and acting as the QC group that will help us prevent any updates that go awry from reaching ClearCenter's paid customers.

    Nothing has changed in that respect.

    Make sense?

