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  •'s where I'm at trying to get "easylife" to work.

    When I download and try to install it with rpm, it gave me a bunch of dependencies that were missing. So I installed the following...

    yum install usermode usermode-gtk yad

    Then, I tried installing again with no dependencies (so it gets past the Fedora check):

    rpm --nodeps -i easylife-4.4-1.noarch.rpm

    Ah, it "looks" like it's in the system menu anyway.

    When I tried it, it comes back with an error that there is no regular user found and it shouldn't be run as root. Fine, I'll logout and go into one of my other accounts.

    So, I login a regular account and try running it; a pop-up states that I am doing something that needs the root password. Ok, I enter that. Once I hit enter, it comes back with the same error message that there's "No regular user found..." even though I'm logged in as a regular user. There's an error message back in the console:

    "GtkDialog mapped without a transparent parent. This is discouraged."

    When I surfed around the Internet I found another posting that says gksu needs to be installed, but it's not a known package so with some additional surfing someone said to install beesu instead. I did, and no luck. So I removed beesu.

    Anyone have an idea on how to get easylife to work so I can get all of these background drivers and services installed? I could also try and install this all manually (by all, I mean at least the nvidia, sound, and flash emulator) but if this is something trivial that is broken it does in fact sound like an "easy" way to get the missing parts installed from a desktop environment.
