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  • Dave Loper wrote:

    If your computer is using UEFI you may need to use the test ISO installer that has the fixed up UEFI code on it:

    Please note this is a test ISO. But it does overcome some issues with UEFI.

    Hi David

    First up, thanks for making the "test" ISO available.

    I have also experienced the UEFI issue during install, which results in the "bootloader configuration write error" as mentioned here by Shane Bledsoe. This is just to confirm to you and Shane that in my instance, the "test" ISO version completed the installation successfully without error and booted up without any problems with my hardware in full UEFI mode, ready to continue finalising the install/config.

    My hardware/system is an IBM x3550 M2 64bit server with the latest UEFI firmware version 1.20 (late 2014) with hardware RAID 1 configuration of 2 SAS drives. I was attempting to install ClearOS 7.2 when the bootloader config write error presented, leaving the ClearOS system unable to boot. This resulted in me hunting for the cause, which I discovered on the forum, in turn resulting in me coming across your "test" ISO download.

    After the successful install using the "test" ISO you provided in this thread and keeping in mind "test" ISO's are supposedly not stable releases, I decided to explore coming up with a simple viable work around for the production install. I experimented with the 7.2 production install again over the top of the successful "test" ISO install, by manually configuring the partitions during the production version install. By retaining the "test" ISO install "/boot" & "/boot/efi" partitions/mount points and "reclaiming"/reformatting just the root partition/mount point, I managed to get the production 7.2 installation to complete without error and boot up correctly. The only thing that needs sorting after this, is that now duplicate boot choices exist in GRUB (one for each installation I expect). Note that one of the boot options fails, which is I suspect the production boot configuration, which we know has errors. But the other GRUB boot option boots into the new production ClearOS 7.2 system successfully (using the "test" ISO install boot configuration I believe). So to finish the work around I just need to remove the failing/redundant boot choice from GRUB, but I haven't got that far yet. I just thought I would share this in case it is a viable workaround for UEFI systems, before the fix is released in a future production update. I also suspect, the work around may be persistent across updates as well since the correct boot files partition/location references are now in place, courtesy of the preliminary "test" ISO install. Correct me if I may be mistaken though.

    The important points during the UEFI boot issue work around for "production" ClearOS 7.2 installs are..........
    1/ Download the "test" ISO in the link provided in this thread.
    2/ Install the test ISO ClearOS version however you require. I employed the auto partition creation option by the way during this install.
    3/ Once the "test" ISO install of ClearOS 7.2 is successfully completed (don't worry about final post install configuration yet), reboot and proceed to install the production version of ClearOS 7.2 over the top of the now existing and working ClearOS "test" ISO installation.
    4/ When you arrive at the screen that gives you access to partition configuration of your storage resources, enter and choose to manually create the partitions.
    5/ Select the relevant storage device.
    6/ Select the existing "boot" partition, leave everything as is except re-enter the mount point "/boot" then choose to Update - nothing more.
    7/ Select the existing "/boot/efi" partition, leave everything as is except re-enter the mount point "/boot/efi" then choose to Update - nothing more.
    8/ Select the existing root partition, leave everything as is except re-enter the mount point "/" and also select "Reformat" check box. Then choose to Update - nothing more.
    9/ Select "Done" and continue on with the installation.
    10/ You should be able to continue through to a successful installation completion and subsequent boots will work without issue. (keep my comments above in mind re GRUB boot choice duplication now present. Choose the correct one to boot successfully and at some point remove the non-working boot option from the GRUB boot choice list)

    What the above should do is......
    a) Leaves you with the required existing and working ("test" ISO) UEFI boot partitions and correct boot file location references after the production ClearOS install.
    b) Replaces all the ClearOS 7.2 "test" installation content in the root partition, with the production ClearOS 7.2 installation content.

    I would be interested to see if anyone else has success with this work around.