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  • LivingAlive
    LivingAlive replied to a discussion, SnapRAID (Deprecated)

    I was quite literally getting the things together I needed to build/upgrade a Community box to 7.x and decided to pop into the forums only to see this.

    Is it safe to assume this applies to the latest 7.x iso? Also maybe I'm misunderstanding something here, but in the many years I've used SnapRAID I've never built it with automake installed. In fact I just built SnapRAID 11 on a 5.x box a week or so ago that didn't have automake installed.

    Thanks for the insight.

    Marcel van Leeuwen wrote:
    This guide is not working at the moment cause SnapRAID needs version 1.14 of make and the repositories holds version

    So you can not build SnapRAID.