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  • FTP access Failing Plus directory permission and ownership changing overnight.

    I looked at this post Title

    I am having some issues and not quite sure how folder permissions and read writes attributes are being altered
    on the system. The changes are being done over night. Is an update doing this?

    1 . var/www/html being changed to drwxrwx--- 18 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 24 19:37 html
    this causes a forbidden when I attempt to load the website. via a browser.
    Error: You don't have permission to access / on this server.

    a) is ftp the correct owner and group? ftp:ftp
    b) should it be root:root?

    2) FTP issues I am now unable to ftp in to flexshares and I have changed owner and group on on
    ftp and subs. below is current

    drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Jun 1 2016 pub
    d-wx-wx--x 2 ftp ftp 6 Jun 1 2016 uploads

    3) flexshares
    drwxr-xr-x 4 ftp ftp 45 Dec 15 17:59 shares

    under shares
    drwxrwxr-x 9 ftp ftp 132 Feb 24 19:37 myserver
    drwxrwxr-x 18 ftp ftp 4096 Feb 24 19:37 - not letting out my wesite.

    I had changed the shares and subs chown from:

    2000:6000 to ftp:ftp Not sure this is correct.

    filezilla I am getting this;
    220 ProFTPD 1.3.5b Server (FTP) [::ffff:]
    331 Password required for xxxx
    Command: PASS ************
    Response: 530 Login incorrect.
    Error: Critical error: Could not connect to server

    Now through the same machine - my desktop I can ftp in for work on two separate servers. they are secure.

    I did attempt to apply an external certificate for the website. It was free. site: probably should have done OpenSSL. The certificate has been removed.

    Still don't know how the folder and files permissions and ownership's were being changed.

    Any suggestions on how to resolve these issues would be greatly appreciated. If you wan't logs to look at please be specific on which ones to grab,

    Thank you!