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  • Thanks Andrew for the suggestion. I think it might be overkill for this situation. I guess I'm just going to keep it simple and create a batch file in windows that creates a folder on a backup NAS device. Right now it determines if it's the first of the month, if so it creates a folder in the "Monthly" folder of today's date, calls WinSCP and copies everything from the users home directories, the flexshares, and the configuration files created from the backup program in clearOS. Otherwise it creates a folder in the "Daily" folder with today's date and copies it there. I'll figure a way to groom out the old ones later. It's a simple copy, so if the school principal needs to locate an older file, all he has to do is browse the backup drive, find it, and drag it to his system. No decompressing or restoring programs to figure out. I know it's not the most efficient, but they only have about 100gb of data, and they already have a raid 5 NAS with 4TB of space. (previous consultant told them they needed that). I've encountered so many backup systems in the past that previous consultants setup that are so complicated, and nobody ever knows if they are working or not. The previous consultant sold them the NAS Raid 5 and setup backup exec for the windows server. They were charging the school every month to remote in and check that it was backing up. When the time came they needed a folder restored....low and hadn't been backing up in months. Just kept charging them every month....Gotta love it! I tried to upload the backup.bat file I was using, but it says it's an unsupported format...Sorry!