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  • Scumbag
    Scumbag likes the reply for the discussion, Re: Best way to dodge geolocation

    If you have the bandwidth, it is easiest achieved through OpenVPN to your own server then onto the internet, but you need to make your client redirect all its traffic through the OpenVPN server.

    The simplest way to do this is to add the following line to /etc/openvpn/clients.conf:Then restart OpenVPN.

    There are alternative ways:
    1 - If your client is Android, use this client where there is an option to redirect all traffic through the VPN. You then don't need to do anything special in ClearOS.
    2 - If you want to leave the default clients.conf in place, clone it to a new file, change the port and the line which points to ipp.txt, and add the 'push "redirect-gateway def1"' line. Restart openVPN. Then open the new incoming port. In the .ovpn file you download, change port and import the new profile into what ever machine you want. Android and iOS both allow you to rename the profile once imported.