My Community Dashboard

  • Hi

    I managed to install the Samba Directory app via yum, but was unable to initialize it as I've got the Community version installed. Am I supposed to be able to install Samba Directory on the community version?

    This might not be the right thread to ask it in, but what are the chances of seeing semi-manual Content Filter and IDS/IPS update apps ,using the free rule sets available, for the community version?

    For the IDS/IPS update app I was thinking you could give the user the option of selecting which free rule sets to download ie: SnortVRT and/or ET-open, and then select the download frequency.

    For the Content Filter update app it would be similar, using the free Shallalist. It would just be up to the user to register the free commercial account with Shalla

    I realize that these lists aren't as extensive or tested as the paid update apps, but it would be better than having no updates.