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  • Nick,

    I'm ready for re-installing ClearOS but I would really like to understand what's happening. Maybe you could shed some light.

    This is what I've done:
    - removed Samba Directory after a Win10 upgrade made it inoperable
    - installed OpenLDAP and Samba
    - tried to configure Samba but it gets stuck in a loop (Connecting ....)
    - checked status of slapd and smb

    slapd seems OK: green dot. Status returns 2 messages that seem OK to me:
    Configuration directory '/etc/openldap/slapd.d' does not exist.
    Warning: Usage of a configuration file is obsolete!

    Running /bin/systemctl status smb.service
    ● smb.service - Samba SMB Daemon [dot is not green]
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Docs: man:smbd(8)

    I have read some of your other posts indicating that the problem why Samba cannot initialize might be with the Directory service. As my slapd status seems OK there seems to be some remainer of Samba Directory causing the blocking. Re-installing the system would probably help. Or am I overlooking an obvious issue? (Wouldn't be for the first time :-))

    Kind regards, Roel