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Crud Controller

There are three main styles of forms/controllers found in ClearOS. This document provides information on the basic structure of a CRUD controller. The Form Controller documentation provides a more detailed description of every line in the controller, so if you need help with understanding how to use something like $this→form_validation→set_policy, the form controller document is a better reference.

You can find more information about the other two styles of controllers here:

Please make sure you have a license notice at the top of your source code file.

Class Declaration

All controller classes must extend the ClearOS_Controller class. Also, don't forget to add the documentation block that describes your controller class!



In a typical ClearOS CRUD controller, there are 5 standard methods to think about:

ClearOS controller nameCRUD EquivalentDescription
indexreadshow item or summary of items view
addcreateshow the add item view
editupdateshow the edit item view
deletedeleteshow the delete item view (confirmation dialog box)
destroydeletedeletes the given item


The index method is typically just a simple data gathering exercise using method calls to the underlying API. The corresponding CRUD View displays the data in a summary format. The three basic steps are:

  • Load the necessary libraries
  • Gather the data for the view
  • Call the view
function index()
    // Load dependencies
    // Load view data
    try {
        $data['hosts'] = $this->hosts->get_entries();
    } catch (Exception $e) {
    // Load views
    $this->page->view_form('dns/summary', $data);

add / edit

In a CRUD application, the add and edit forms are nearly identical. Typically, there are really only a few differences between the two:

  • Form handler - add and edit might have slightly different form handling requirements
  • Form buttons (Add/Cancel versus Update/Delete/Cancel)
  • Read only key field (e.g. username is read only in the edit view)

This document provides an example using a combined add/edit form. In our example, both add and edit call the private _add_edit method as follows:

function add($ip = NULL)
    $this->_add_edit($ip, 'add');
function edit($ip = NULL)
    $this->_add_edit($ip, 'edit');
function _add_edit($ip, $form_type)
     // Handling for both add and edit


The delete view shows a simple confirmation dialog box for deleting an item. Method calls to the underlying API are not necessary.

This is a bit of a work in progress and subject to change! The current implementation is not flexible for dealing with javascript-based dialog boxes.


The destroy method in the controller will delete an item without confirmation from the end user. Once an item is deleted, the user is redirected back to the summary view. A call to $this→page→set_status_deleted is a way to pass information about a successful delete. The theme designer defines how to handle these messages.

function destroy($ip = NULL)
    // Load libraries
    // Handle form submit
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {
content/en_us/dev_framework_reference_guide_crud_controller.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/01 16:15 (external edit)