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Form Controller

There are three main styles of forms/controllers found in ClearOS. This document provides information on the basic structure of a simple form controller. You can find more information about the other two styles of controllers here:

Please make sure you have a license notice at the top of your source code file.

Class Declaration

All controller classes must extend the ClearOS_Controller class. Also, don't forget to add the documentation block that describes your controller class!

 * Date controller.
 * @category   Apps
 * @package    Date
 * @subpackage Controllers
 * @author     ClearFoundation 
 * @copyright  2011 ClearFoundation
 * @license GNU General Public License version 3 or later
 * @link
class Date extends ClearOS_Controller

Kudo moment. The ClearOS_Controller is really just MX_Controller from wiredesignz. Vanity over the name of a controller - a bit geeky, we know.

Index Method

Load Libraries

In order to keep the ClearOS development framework lightweight, libraries must be explicitly loaded in the controller.

// Load dependencies


Every piece of data that can be posted to a form must be properly validated. This is one of the most critical elements in creating a secure web application. Improper validation can quickly lead to a security vulnerability. To help with implementing security best practices, the ClearOS framework has extended the base CodeIgniter system to simplify (and secure) your code. In the form_validation→set_policy function, you can use the validation routines from your libraries. The format is:

set_policy(form_variable, library, method, is_required);

For example:

set_policy('timezone', 'date/Time', 'validate_time_zone', TRUE);

// Set validation rules
$this->form_validation->set_policy('timezone', 'date/Time', 'validate_time_zone', TRUE);
$form_ok = $this->form_validation->run();

Handle Update

Before displaying a view, you may need to handle an update provided by an end users. If the form data has successfully passed through the validation routines ($form_ok === TRUE), then we simply pass the data to the library.

// Handle form submit
if (($this->input->post('submit') && $form_ok)) {
    try {
    } catch (Exception $e) {

Load View Data

No different than CodeIgniter, the $data array is populated in the controller and then passed on to the view. For the most part, this data comes from method calls in the underlying library.

// Load view data
try {
    $data['timezone'] = $this->time->get_time_zone();
    $data['timezones'] = $this->time->get_time_zone_list();
} catch (Exception $e) {

Load Views

The last step in the controller is to load the view. Instead of using the standard $this→page→view() function in CodeIgniter, we use a slightly different method call: view_form(). In case you are wondering, this approach simplifies header/footer management, as well as mobile support.

// Load views
$this->page->view_form('date', $data);

Exception Handling

Any interaction with the underlying libraries should be handled via the old try/catch exception handler. Most of the underlying exceptions are simply passed straight to a standard warning message in the view. In some circumstances, you may want to catch a particular exception and do something different. That's fine, go right ahead.

try {
    $data['timezone'] = $this->ntptime->get_time_zone();
} catch (Timezone_Not_Set_Exception $e) {
    // An unconfigured time zone is not fatal, but warn the user.
    $data['my_warning'] = lang('time_time_zone_not_set_warning');
} catch (Exception $e) {
content/en_us/dev_framework_reference_guide_form_controller.txt · Last modified: 2015/03/02 09:48 by dloper