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ClearOS Community 6.4.0 Alpha 1 Released

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We're getting an early jump on ClearOS Community 6.4.0 by releasing Alpha 1.  Along with the usual round of bug fixes and enhancements, this release introduces a new reports engine, a storage manager, an antimalware file scanner, a basic POP/IMAP server as well as upstream proxy support. Here are the app details:

Filter and Proxy Report
Resource Report
Network Report
- Storage Manager
- Basic IMAP/POP Server
- Upstream Proxy Support
- Antimalware File Scan

You can find important release and download information in the Release Notes.  This is alpha software, so expect to hit the command line to test out all the features.  We will be releasing Beta 1 before December holidays.

For those of you interested in the ClearOS Professional 6.4.0 release, expect to see Amazon EC2 Images, Network Mapping, Samba Directory / Samba 4 Beta, and more!


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  • Must have been an upload timing issue, I was getting an page that said something like "Ooops..404"

    its working now.

    0 Like
  • Which links? I couldn't find any broken download links.


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  • The download links are not working.

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