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Reports, Reports, Reports

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The release of version 6 brought a new mindset to ClearOS: apps can no longer be "just good enough", apps need to be well put together.  Almost every single report in ClearOS 5.x was in the former category.  So today, we are happy to announce the beta release of the new ClearOS Reports engine!  3 new reports are available:

- Network Report
- Resource Report
- Filter and Proxy Report

The new report engine will continue to evolve throughout 2013, but the engine is already a big improvement over what was available in ClearOS 5.x:

- Tighter integration (3rd party reports are no longer hacked into the web interface)
- Unified look and feel
- Interactive charts
- Sortable and searchable data tables

In the future, live reports, PDF and weekly mailings will be added to the report engine.  If you would like to install the beta version of the reports, please run the command below (subject to change!).  The reports will be available via the Marketplace in a future test release.

yum --enablerepo=clearos-updates-testing install "app*report*"

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