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ClearOS Enterprise 6.1.0 Beta 1 Released

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The ClearOS Enterprise 6.1.0 beta 1 release is here!  This release will kickstart the process of creating a stable base system: installer, RPM packages, users, groups, system tools, LDAP, network, firewall, framework, and Marketplace.  At the same time, we will start rolling out more apps like Web Proxy and Web Access Control found in this beta 1 release.

You can find download information for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions in the Release Notes.  Enjoy!

Web Development Services

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YII Framework

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Node.JS Framework




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  • Bookworm
  • The Voice

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  • ClearOS 6.x will be awesome!

    0 Like
  • Oh Thanks Peter. I was just curious about when it would be out of Beta stage into a final release.

    0 Like
  • The old mantra for now is "when it's ready". For major releases like this one (every 3-ish years), it's very difficult to pin down ship dates. The interim releases (about twice a year) have more of a cadence to them, so ship dates are easier to define. We know it's important to give clients a roadmap for ship dates, but sometimes there are too many "known unknows" and "unknown unknowns" with the major releases to provide good guidance.

    0 Like
  • Anyone know the timeline of releases?

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  • @ Grant - It looks like the built-in RSS feeds are somewhat limited, but here's a URL -

    @ Marcel - RHEL 7 is as good a guess, though it might not be the default!

    @ jeff1965 - You will need to do a fresh install to use the beta. Starting from beta 1, we generally try to maintain upgrades to future test releases, but we don't make any promises.

    0 Like
  • Is there an online update for this or does this require a completely fresh install

    0 Like
  • Here is my link for ClearOS Enterprise 6.1 beta 1 release on fileserve:

    This is my premium account, and files on it will never expire. I will update my links with new releases of ClearOS.

    0 Like
  • yes i noticed that its delayed...

    I think we have to wait a few years before we can expect a stable version of BTRFS. With which kernel will be RHEL 7 shipped? What are your thoughts Peter?

    0 Like
  • Hi ClearFoundation

    Since I love you guys so much I'd like to create something like an RSS feed to any blog posting (not just a particular topic). I've looked around but can't seem to find such an option.


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  • It will be interesting to see how BTRFS performs in Fedora. It was going to be the default in Fedora 16 (the next release) but it looks like it was pushed out to at least 17 :-(

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