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  • ClearOS v6.7: Last Update made Firewall Panic

    Dear All,

    I have been using this machine since 2014 and yesterday this machine unable to connect to internet. Users di LAN unable to browse internet. I see there was content filter and antivirus update on 06.00 AM and made firewall panic. I have SSH console via putty and try to #service firewall restart --- but still no luck. Firewall failed to start.

    How can I resolve this problem. What step to I have to do beside check system logs and message logs?
    System only contain : Web Proxy and content filter. Also there is egress and custom firewall.

    I think I want to reset the system by uninstall egress firewall, webproxy and content filter module, how to do that?
    I have no reference that name the module is?
    #yum webproxy remove -- something like that.
    #yum egress remove
    #yum contentfilter remove

    Any information is appreciated.
